14 Male Celebrities Who Showed Us Their Calvins Before Justin Bieber

Your thoughts about Justin Bieber aside, the general consensus regarding his recent ads for Calvin Klein is that they aren't half bad. They're pretty hot, actually.

But we must give credit where credit is due, and Justin Bieber is not the first, the absolute best, and certainly won't be the last celebrity to show off his Calvins.

Scroll down to see our 14 favorite stars who modeled Calvin Klein underwear before Justin Bieber:

14. Nick Jonas

The entire Great Gay-Baiting of 2014 can mostly be summed up with Nick Jonas' October shoot for Flaunt magazine, a modern update on Mark Wahlberg's classic crotch-grabbing Calvin Klein ads from the '90s.

13. Dan Osborne

Piggybacking on the #mycalvins trend that swept Twitter last March, Dan Osborne added a shot in his Calvins to his 2015 calendar.

12. Diggy Simmons

Rev. Run of Run DMC's son also joined the trend, posting his own shot on Instagram.

11. Tom Daley

Never one to back down from a stripping contest with Dan Osborne, Olympic diver Tom Daley also wore some Calvin Klein trunks for his 2015 calendar.

10. Zac Efron

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He claims not to have planned it that way, but Zac Efron is wearing CK underwear in many of his most memorable photos.

9. Michael B. Jordan

The That Awkward Moment actor tagged his #mycalvins submission on Instagram.

8. Neil Patrick Harris

Neil Patrick Harris joined the #mycalvins movement from his Hedwig dressing room.

7. Trey Songz

The 30-year-old rapper clearly wasn't afraid of bulge when he uploaded his #mycalvins shot to Instagram this year.

6. Ryan Lochte

The eleven-time Olympic swimming medalist posed in the brand's "American Icons" campaign at Macy's this year.

5. Jamie Dornan

The hunky Irish actor was the face of Calvin Klein in 2009, long before he was cast as Christian Grey in the upcoming "Fifty Shades of Grey" film.

4. Kellan Lutz

A budding young Kellan Lutz modeled print ads for the brand in 2010, but they pale in comparison to the sexy behind-the-scenes videos that came with them.

3. Mehcad Brooks

The jacked True Blood actor appeared in the same campaign as Kellan Lutz — don't forget to check out his behind-the-scenes videos too!

2. Antonio Sabàto, Jr.

The hunky soap actor ushered in the '90s as one of Cavlin Klein's first major brand models.

1. Mark Wahlberg

Mark Wahlberg's 1992 Calvin Klein print campaign is easily the brand's most iconic. And more than 20 years later, he's still got it.

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