This Is What A $250 Lube Dispenser Looks Like

For the man who has everything.

If you've ever thought, "I've got plenty of money and I'm constantly having hot sex, but I can't stand taking a few seconds to apply cold lube," then we may have the ideal product for you. (And also, congrats on your perfect life.)

Introducing the Pulse, a contraption that dispenses and warms your lube for the small price of $250.

And because the makers of Pulse are marketing masters, you can't just fill the machine with any old generic-brand lube. It needs to be one of their own specialty lube pods, which give you about 54 squirts for an extra $25.

The product is being touted as "touchless," and dealing with a sticky lube tube can certainly be annoying, but unless the device personally applies the lube to all your most important spots, you're still getting your hands sticky.

In all seriousness, fumbling around for a bottle of lube in the dark can be a potential buzzkill, so if you've got the extra cash to spend, let us know if this extravagant item changes your sex life forever.

h/t: Gizmodo

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