30 Days Of Willam Belli: Gay History With Colby Melvin!

September has always been the grodiest month of the year: Summer’s over, school’s starting again and friggin’ Christmas decorations are already creeping into view. So we corralled Willam Belli to help chase away those Septembertime blues.

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="204"]bayard rustin Bayard Rustin[/caption]

Today NNN Whorespondent Willam Belli recruits smarty-pants underwear model Coldby Melvin to help us all get  schooled on some important gay history. Last month was the 50th anniversary of the history 1963 March on Washington, an event that wouldn't have happened if not for the efforts of civil rights leader Bayard Rustin, who introduced Martin Luther King to nonviolent civil disobedience and just also happened to be gay.

Willam has a little trouble following the history lesson, so Melvin breaks it down for her: Rustin took MLK from Lil Wayne to Wayne Brady. No, we kid. Watch the segment!

Check out more 30 Days of Willam videos

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