46 Reasons Why We Love Birthday Boy John Barrowman

NOTE - This article originally ran last year. It's been updated.

The omni-talented showman John Barrowman has been an AE favorite ... since there was an AE, and we've watched as his stature and visibility have risen over the years.

Whether it's playing the milestone omni-sexual character Jack Harkness, wowing audiences on stage with his dancing and singing, or just being his own irrepressible self (there's always something behind that devilish grin), he's become one of our most celebrated out entertainers.

Today is his 46th birthday, and we'd like to pay tribute by mentioning a few things that have endeared him to us. 46 things (in no particular order) that are just the tip of the iceberg.

1. - He does "suggestive" very well.

2. - He was hot even through that ... awkward ... phase

3. - He makes terrific pop music.

4. - He loves showing off his Scottish ... heritage.

5. - He's comfortable with himself.

6. - He's drawn to other omni-talented hunk-a-dunks.

7. - You know he'd love to clone himself.

8. - He loves paying tribute to other icons.

9. - He's spiritual.

10. - He loves fashion makeovers.

11. - He never does anything halfway.

12. - Neither does his doll

13. - He took his runner-up status in the BIG GAY BATTLE in stride.

14. - But he always keeps an eye on rival icons.

15. - He's the one that we want.

16. - He always lets the sunshine in..

17. - He has a great relationship with partner Scott.

18. - They always seem to have fun together. A lot of fun.

19. - His sex appeal spans the ages

20. - He's always concerned about his fans.

21. - His natural charm made even a short-lived TV soap opera memorable.

22. - His natural charm made even a different short-lived TV soap opera memorable. .

23. - He and David Tennant sent the WHOverse into a tizzy.

24. - He has a very gay brain.

25. - Three words: Springtime For Hitler.

26. - He knows how to make a commercial break exciting..

27. - He brings a touch of Barrowman to the Royal Albert hall.

28. - He was terrified of Autons as a child.

29. - Female AE readers really like him.

30. - As a matter of fact, All AE readers really like him.

31. - He gave us one of the most romantic moments in TV history.

32. - He knows how to relax.

33. - He brought some much needed adrenalin to a sagging show.

34. - He plays one of our Top ten favorite TV characters of all time.

35. - This.

36. - The Ballad of Russell and Julie.

37. - He's not afraid to speak his mind!

38. - He'll always be a kid at heart.

39. - He has a way of instigating fanfic.

40. - He always seems to have a good time, no matter the occasion.

41. - He truly is omni-talented.

42. - He's back on TV!

43. - That famous NSFW line. You know the one.

44. - His talent extends to the kitchen.

45. - This.

46. - Because he was able to deal with it better than we could.

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