7 Times Jon Stewart Was The Gay Community's BFF

Last night, the sad news broke that Jon Stewart would be retiring from The Daily Show later this year, ending his acclaimed 17-year run on the series

Stewart broke the silence of the stunned crowd with a joke, telling viewers "Seventeen years is the longest I have ever in my life held a job by 16 years and 5 months."

Related: The 15 Greatest, Gayest Moments From "The Colbert Report"

On a more serious note, he stated "In my heart I know it is time for someone else to have that opportunity."

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We're upset Stewart is leaving. Not just because he's funny, intelligent, and easy-on-the eyes—but also because he's been an ally to the LGBT community for years. And a gadfly to those who stand in the way of fairness and equality.

Below, we call out 7 times Jon Stewart was the LGBT community's BFF.

1. "It Gets Worse" PSA

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After Cindy McCain made a cameo in an "It Gets Better" PSA, Stewart took the opportunity–with some assistance form Sean Hayes–to let America in on a bitter truth: It Gets Worse.

2. Mike Huckabee's gay-marriage stance "makes no f**king sense"

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The air quotes were in full effect when Stewart offered this soundbite from the once-and-future presidential candidate: "I can't just 'change' with the 'times' if it means deviating from 'biblical law.'"

As a response, he told Huckabee, “No one is forcing you to get metaphorically married to the biblical abomination that is this bacon-wrapped shrimp."

3. North Carolina’s banning of same-sex civil unions.

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When a Baptist minister compared same-sex partnerships to allowing people to marry ice cream, Stewart zinged, "Does your wife know that you can't see the difference between the consensual love that leads to matrimony and the enjoyment you get from a Dairy Queen blizzard?"

4. Jon Stewart reveals he’s slept with Stephen Colbert

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During a discussion of America's military policy on gays and lesbians, Stewart's Emmy Award interrupts by revealing that she has slept with his colleague Stephen Colbert.  The Daily Show host one-ups her by revealing that he beat her to it.

5. Which state will "swim the longest against the tide of history?"

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Stewart staged a "good, old-fashioned intolerance-off" culminating in gay-marriage proposals at both an Alabama and Mississippi Waffle House.

The result: Applause.

6. Fox News’ evolving hysteria about gay marriage

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"In five years, the prime talking point from Republicans about people who support gay marriage has gone from 'It will destroy society via turtle-f**king” to “Oh, of course you’re for it; you’ll say anything popular to get re-elected."

7.  “The Pathophysiology of Male Homosexuality"

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"If you've ever talked about gay sex with a Methodist, you know there's only one thing they demand," says Stewart in this clip. "Graphic detail."

We'll miss, you friend.

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