Aaron Taylor Johnson Goes Shirtless, Talks Bulking Up In "Men's Health": PHOTOS

aaron taylor johnson

We're still undecided on who makes a better Quicksilver: Aaron Taylor Johnson or Evan Peters?  That being said, ATJ is winning some serious points for his recent photo-shoot with Men's Health.

In the upcoming issue, ATJ talks weight gaining techniques and bulking up for his new roles:  "I weighed 175 pounds in Kick-Ass 2 ... For Godzilla, I was pushing 190."  The British beauty also shared a few personal anecdotes:

As we were having breakfast in West Hollywood, Aaron Taylor-Johnson had given me a guided tour of his head scars.

'Here's one right there,' he said, pointing to a spot just above his hairline. 'See it? That's from when I was a kid. I was sliding down my mate's banister and bashed my head open. And the other one ...' His finger drifted to the back of his head. 'I have no idea. So I must have been pretty paralytic. [That's Britspeak for 'drunk.'] I didn't even know I had it until we started Godzilla and they cut my hair.'

Check out some of the sexy stills, below!

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