Airbnb Acknowledges The Reality Of Traveling When You're Part Of A Gay Couple

Our country may be celebrating marriage equality in all fifty states right now, but unfortunately that kind of acceptance does not span all parts of the globe. That means gay couples often need to be careful when choosing their next travel destination.

Airbnb just acknowledged this fact by releasing a video featuring LGBT couples discussing their relationships and how their sexuality can influence travel decisions.

"Traveling as a gay couple, some countries are less friendly than others," one man shared. "We spend time looking into local laws and how they deal with gay people."

"Planning a honeymoon as a queer couple, we have to be really careful about where we go," shared a newly engaged lesbian woman. "For our honeymoon, I don't want to be attacked. We want to be able to express our love and be affectionate, and feel comfortable and safe."

Airbnb titled the video "Love is Welcome Here: Our #HostWithPride Film," and said, "We look forward to helping create a world where all love is not only accepted, but welcomed, everywhere we go."

Watch the touching video below.

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