Watch All Hell Break Loose At Kyle Krieger’s “Instagram Famous” Penthouse Party

Sketch comedy duo Ryan Steele and Amy Goodmurphy (owner of quite possibly the best last name there ever was) just posted their newest video, "Instagram Party," starring a slew of Instagam's finest, namely hunky hairdresser Kyle Krieger.

"What is he, like royalty or something?" Amy asks in the video. "Basically. He has 200K followers on Instagram" Ryan responds.

"Who cares?" she counters. "Everybody," he explains.

The party consists of 'gramming, selfies and a whole bunch of people referring to themselves as their IG handle instead of their name (#OhBrother).

Upon learning that Amy has only 700 follower (not 700K as Kyle thinks he mishears), she's told she must leave.

She does–eventually–but not without roasting the entire party first, starting with Krieger.

I'm Instagram famous! What the hell does that mean in real life? Nothing! Aww, I'm Kyle Krieger and I have like a bajillion followers and I've probably never taken a picture with my shirt on before and every time I get a like I jack off and jizz all over my screen.

"It’s always good to make fun of yourself every once in a while," Krieger tells us about the making of the video. "So long as it’s captured on camera and you’re properly lit."

Lighting, a concept he's aced.

Still kinda in awe that @papermagazine had me do this self-portrait underwear story. Check the full story on their webpage!

A photo posted by Kyle Krieger (@kylekriegerhair) on

Keepin' it weird on my last day in Vancouver ✌️ A photo posted by Kyle Krieger (@kylekriegerhair) on

I was lucky enough to collaborate with @papermagazine on a #SelfPortrait underwear project! Go check it out on their webpage! @askmrmickey

A photo posted by Kyle Krieger (@kylekriegerhair) on

He continues:

Being popular on the Internet is a silly thing I think. It's great for business and allows me to attract clients for work, but other than that it doesn't really mean anything. My Instagram bio says "being popular on Instagram is like being rich in Monopoly money" because it's all kind of a game, right? At least that's what we're saying in our video.

Watch the hilarious video below.

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