"Arrow" 3.21 Recap: Family Squabbles

In order for Oliver to be the head demon, Ra's thinks it would be best to erase the last vestiges of his personality. And since there isn't much left, that shouldn't take long. To accomplish this task, he viciously tortures Oliver by dousing him with buckets of water and making him sleep on the cold cement floor. Fortunately, Oliver breaks before they tie him to the Comfy Chair.

In the midst of the ruins of a once great show, Laurel and Nyssa have a "girls night" (re: Date Night) where they beat up misogynistic degenerates and then have burgers and shakes. Because, you know, girls like Laurel and Nyssa love their burgers and shakes.... But I'll ignore that because they are really quite cute together.

Their adorable flirtations are interrupted when Laurel says, "Bee Tee Dubs, Oliver took the job as Chief League Jerk Face."

Nyssa storms out in a huff, leaving her meal untouched. You know, missy, there are starving children in America Africa who would love to have so much food. You shouldn't waste it just for the sake of a dramatic exit.

Ra's tells Oliver that he has a rival who has a "hive of followers" which I suppose is interesting. This rival, whose name (laughably) is Damian Dark, stole some of the Lazarus water and has been trolling Ra's' Facebook for years. Ra's doesn't want that for Oliver so he tells his new lackey to go kill Nyssa.

And Oliver's like, "Okeydoke."

Laurel tracks Nyssa down and apologizes for ruining their date. Nyssa is miffed, but she eventually confesses that the reason she's all stressed is because Oliver is totally going to come back and kill her which will definitely mean an end to Lauryssa and that would be awful.

Laurel drags Nyssa to Palmer Tech to talk the situation over with Felicity and Diggle. They're not really concerned with the possibility of Nyssa being killed, because it's not like they're heroes or anything. And they refuse to believe Oliver could ever be turned back into a stone cold killer.

Laurel, who is strangely the last decent character left on this show, yells at them until they agree to not let Nyssa be murdered. I'm not sure how I feel about liking Laurel. It kind of makes me uncomfortable.

Thea wants to help. Instead of talking to Laurel, her good friend and someone she has known for years, she talks to Felicity whom she barely knows because the writers are making us regret the day we asked for more Felicity. And Felicity pauses in her weeping long enough to blow her off because the remnants of Team Arrow have totally got this.

Nyssa and Oliver face off on the rooftop where Sara died and Oliver beats her once again. Before he can add her to the long list of Unnecessary Character Losses, though, Diggle and Canary show up and Laurel gives us a Canary Cry (v 2.1, Cisco Upgrade).

Felicity watches it all and does the only thing she seems to be able to do these days—cry.

Nyssa is not happy with being rescued. She's an independent woman, after all, and she doesn't want people interfering with the kicking of her ass. But Laurel talks her down and reminds her how happy they've been together.

Felicity cry-talks at Diggle about how she's lost Oliver and all the world is grey and lacking in joy and whatever. There was a time when her life didn't revolve around guys she was interested in. But those days, clearly, are over.

Since Felicity was not feeling helpful, Thea goes to her dad for help with her plan to stop Oliver. He cautions her that it's not wise to tick off the League of Assassins. But she insists and so he agrees to give her whatever help she asks for.

In other words, he lets her make her own choices. Joe West? You may want to consider your choices in life when Malcolm Merlyn is doing better than you in the dad department.

Oliver's Plan B involves kidnapping Lyla to get his former friends to hand Nyssa over. This reminds me of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. You know, when you watched Anakin go down the path of the Dark Side and you didn't actually care?

Since the writers have totally stuffed up Felicity's character, they decided it was only fair to do the same to Diggle. In a move that was so wildly out of character I was sure it was another dream sequence, he tells Nyssa that she needs to hand herself over to Oliver. No other plans are discussed. No other attempts to free Lyla are considered. Just hand the woman over to the people who want to kill her.

Laurel insists they find another way because apparently she's the only one who remembers they're the good guys. Diggle makes a squinty face because he clearly thinks that his first plan was better. And Felicity sobs some more.

At the hostage exchange, our "heroes" make an effort to prevent Nyssa from being taken away, but of course they fail. Again, I say, take out the tires of the plane's landing gear and no one's going anywhere, but whatever.

Apparently, when Thea said, "I can reason with Ollie" what she meant was "I can shoot Ollie with arrows."

But I'm liking Thea enough that I kind of want to watch her kick Oliver's ass all over the playground.

It turns out that this "betrayal" we heard about all episode was Nyssa stealing the killer virus from the flashbacks. That she stole it means she's kind of a hero. That she kept it means that might not actually be true. In any case, with the vial returned, Ra's tests Oliver' loyalty by telling him to kill Nyssa.

And Oliver, again, is all, "Okeydoke."

But Ra's does have some humanity left, apparently. He makes Oliver spare Nyssa. Then he hands her over to Oliver to be his bride.

Joe West? You may also want to consider your parenting skills when the way you see your daughter resembles the way Ra's al Ghul sees his daughter.

Back in Starling, Diggle thinks about his friend and laments his loss, wondering how he failed to protect Oliver like he promised and no doubt regretting that he didn't try harder to save him.

Laurel, meanwhile, goes back to her and Nyssa's date place and worries about her friend and mentor, fearing for her safety, wondering what happened to her and thinking about things that might never be.

And Felicity cries.

That's it for this week folks. Two episodes left!

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