Someone Asked Viral Video Star Brendon Jordan If He Was Gay. Yes, Seriously

Brendan Jordan, the 15-year-old viral video star who made his mark videobombing a Las Vegas newscast, has launched his first YouTube video—a Q&A so his fans can get to know him.

It started out well enough: We learned Brendan's favorite place (Disneyland), his favorite store (American Apparel, duh!), and other vital stats.

Until some fool brings up his theory on fame.

Related: Videobombing Viral Star Brendan Jordan Visits Queen Latifah

"In today's culture, if you're gay, you become famous," tweets Mason something-or-other. "That's just how it works."

Oh really? 'Cause we're not rubbing elbows with Queen Latifah.

Brendan shuts him down with a signature stink-eye.

Then, the next fan asked, "are you gay?"

Yes, there is someone out there who's not sure if the kid who makes Lohanthony look like Lawrence Welk is a disco-dancing, Oscar Wilde-reading, Streisand ticket-holding friend of Dorothy.

Check it out below.

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