From The Leader Of The National Organization for Marriage: It's America's Newest Anti-LGBT Hate Group

And they're ready to take their bigotry overseas.

If you like to spread your anti-LGBT views under the guise of "protecting families," then here's an early Christmas gift for you in the form of a newly re-tooled hate group — the International Organization for the Family (IOF).

Brian Brown, who is already the leader of two other anti-LGBT groups known as the National Organization for Marriage and the World Congress of Families, announced that IOF would be the new name for the Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society.

The Howard Center, which is based out of Illinois, will still connect religious right leaders with bigots in order to fight for policies that are harmful to the LGBT community, but they will now be focusing on spreading their hate internationally.

A letter to supporters of the Howard Center explained that the name change was to reflect their new goal to “sharpen the focus” of the group “on international family questions” reflecting their view “that key family policy battles now occur more frequently at the transnational level in bodies such as the U.N., the Organization of American States and the European Union."

Their overall mission remains the same — to ensure that everyone believes marriage should only be between a man and a woman, to refuse to deal with any corporations that don't agree with their homophobic views and to promote laws that justify the criminalization of LGBT people.

Because isn't that what family is all about?


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