Thai Drag Queen Slaughters Britney Spears' "Toxic"

Scream and shout.

Britney Spears stans always have to come to the defense of their Godney when people say that her albums have too much auto-tune. Well, in a new recreation of Spears' iconic "Toxic" video, a little more auto-tune might have been a good thing.

To celebrate the upcoming Bangkok dates on Britney's tour, party promoter Trasher, dressed as a Britney drag queen, Jenny Spears, and parodied the "Toxic" video—with painful results.


In the original, Britney dressed as a sexy flight attendant delivering champagne to passengers. In this version, Jenny isn't on a glamorous jet, but instead on a bus filled with sleeping passengers that don't appreciate her flirting or her moves as she slinks up the aisle.

Don't worry, Britney's red wig from the video makes an appearance, as does her nearly nude rhinestone bodysuit. Who wore it better? You will have to watch the video to find out.

Just trust us when we tell you to keep the volume low for "your ear health" as the video description says.

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