“Brothers & Sisters” Episode 209 Recap: “Holy Matrimony”


Greetings Brothers & Sisters fans! I’ve got some good news and some bad news. First, the

bad news. This is going to be the last episode until after the new year. (B&S has three more episodes in the

can, but they won’t air until January.) Assuming the writer’s strike drags on —

and there’s every indication that it will — that will probably be it for the


The good news? Kitty gets married this week. Weddings are

always joyous occasions and hey, I figure the sooner Robert and Kitty tie the

knot, the sooner the writers can bust ‘em up again. Am I the only one completely

bored by the whole Robert McAllister warm and fuzzy Republican presidential

candidate storyline? The show would be

oh so much more interesting if we find out (and soon) that actually McAllister

is an awful villain. Maybe we could discover he’s some sort of mad Bluebeard

and keeps his ex-girlfriends buried in the basement.

Or maybe we find out he’s actually the Anti-Christ! And by

running for President he hopes to ascend to the most powerful position on Earth

(well, aside from Oprah) in order to bring about the Apocalypse. It’s up to the

Walkers to stop him!

Okay enough daydreaming.

The episode opens at

McAllister’s Santa Barbara

ranch where he and Kitty are pacing the bedroom.

McAllister (on his cell): …no it is not a pot luck. I don’t

want a repeat of the engagement party where every family member brought


I shudder to think what was brought to the stag party.

Speaking of which, what happened to Robert and Kitty’s respective bachelor and

bachelorette parties? Surely that campaign manager, Travis, arranged something

for Robert? And what I wouldn’t have

given for a scene with Kitty, Sarah and Nora doing tequila shots and stuffing

dollar bills in a male stripper’s g-string.

Instead of fun scenes like that we have this one, with Robert and Kitty operating a phone tree reminding

people that the wedding reception is a catered affair and not BYOB. They hang

up in unison, and McAllister assures Kitty that his uncle isn’t bringing any


McAllister: Our wedding is officially artichoke free.

Now if they can just convince Tommy and Julia not to bring


McAllister notices Kitty is packing a bag.

McAllister: Hey, you don’t have to spend the night at your Mom’s.

Kitty: Oh, yes I do. It’s very bad luck to make mad, passionate love

to the groom the night before the wedding.

Then the perfunctory groveling you two do should be no problem.

McAllister: You know, it’s all downhill from here. I’m gonna stop

bringing you flowers, your gonna break out the housecoats, and we’re both gonna

start leaving the bathroom door open.

Kitty grabs his hand and tries to say something heartfelt

like, “I love you even when I see you on the crapper,” but McAllister stops


McAllister: Hey, why don’t you save this for our vows?

At the 11th hour McAllister has decided he wants them to

write their own vows for the wedding ceremony.

Poor Kitty looks panicked.

Cut to the next

morning at Lena’s apartment. Oh, looks

like Justin slept over because they are on the futon canoodling in her red

sheets. These are the same red sheets we

saw Tommy canoodling in just a few weeks ago. I hope at least she changes the

linens between canoodles.

Justin wants to enjoy the silence before the wedding today

and reminisces about how Walker

family gatherings can get raucous. Why, at the vineyard opening, Holly and Nora

got into a food fight.

Justin says the only person that could ever keep the family

in line was his father, but then he berates himself for fondly recalling his dad.

Justin: Why am I

even talking about him He cheated on my mom. What kind of man does that?

This is supposed to be ironic because his brother Tommy is exactly

that “kind of man.”

Lena (implicitly in

defense of Tommy): All types. Even some good guys. It just sucks being left

alone to make sense of it all

Justin: Is that what it was like with your married guy?

Lena: Yeah, he pretty much said that “that was it” and you know, that

was it.

Except for now you’re screwing around with his younger

brother. Way to go, Lena.

Justin gets the bright idea to invite her to the wedding.

And Lena gets the very dim idea to accept.

Cut to Kevin’s

apartment. Tommy, Saul and Kevin have met there to get ready for the

wedding. What, is Kevin the only one with a shoe shine kit? Otherwise it’s kind

of weird for all the menfolk to converge on Kevin’s place.

Uncle Saul is eating peanuts and lamenting the fact that he

has to go pick up Grandma Ida from the airport. Oh goody, this means Marion Ross

is going to make a re-appearance. She had a great guest

turn last season.

Tommy reminds Kevin that he owes him a hundred bucks. Turns

out the brothers all made bets years ago on when Kitty was going to get

married. Tommy put his money on “sometime in her thirties” and Kevin bet $100 on

“never.” Saul claims to be offended, but then offers to cover Kevin’s lost bet

if only he’ll go pick Ida up from the airport.

Kevin: Even if you put a couple of zeroes after that bet, I’d still say no.

It’s weird, but Saul is practically giddy in this scene,

like he’s inhaled nitrous oxide just before it was shot. He sounds lighthearted

and “gay” (in the traditional sense.) The guy sure has some wild mood swings —

last week he seemed to be suffering from paranoia.

Justin shows up with the rented tuxes and casually mentions

that he’s bringing Lena to the wedding. Tommy harrumphs and looks peeved. When Justin

asks if there’s a problem, Tommy tells him he doesn’t think he’s taking his

sobriety seriously enough.

Tommy: I hear her on the phone at work, Justin. She’s a partier.

Justin is offended.

Justin: Thanks for your concern,


Justin heads back out to the car to pick up the ties and the

cummerbunds. Uncle Saul gives Tommy a dirty look and goes with him.

Once they’re alone, Kevin tells Tommy to relax. Only he and

Saul know about Tommy’s affair with Lena.

Kevin: Don’t start acting weird now.

Tommy props his feet up on the coffee table. What is he

wearing, Keds? Tommy always seems to be

wearing children’s sneakers.

Cut to the Walker mansion where

Sarah is trying to help Kitty come up with her wedding vows. She’s reading her

some poetry from Keats.

Sarah: Pillowed upon my fair love’s ripening breast to feel forever

its soft fall and swell.

Kitty: Sarah, I don’t want the guests thinking about my boobs and

their ripeness.

Then Sarah comes up with something on her own.

Sarah: Our love is like the war. Out of control. Endless. And

without reason.

Kitty isn’t much amused.

Sarah: Hey, has Mom had the talk with you?

Kitty: What talk?

Sarah: The talk. Oh trust me, she’s going to sit you down and go on

and on about love and devotion until you’re both weeping. I’d get some inspiration

from that.

Sounds like a good idea to Kitty.

Enter Rebecca who

looks like she’s become the de facto wedding planner. She goes through her

checklist of things to do and everything seems to be well in order. The phone rings. It is Kitty’s hairdresser. Sarah asks if

she’s made a decision on her hair — up or down and….

Okay. Time out. I’m having trouble recapping this stuff.

It’s SO boring. Is anything going to happen this episode because I (and I’m

betting you) really could care less

about the minutiae of Kitty’s wedding preparations.

Hey, could it be this whole wedding thing will

be like the one on Dynasty? Anybody remember the “Moldavian Massacre?” Now that’s a recapper’s dream! Maybe Lena

can show up at the service with an M-16 gunning for Tommy and in the process

take out half the cast before turning the gun on herself.

I choose to focus on the positive (yeah, right) so here’s my

list of who I’d want to survive:

  • Kevin

  • Nora

  • Justin

  • Holly

  • Rebecca

  • Scotty

  • Sarah

  • Paige

  • Coop

  • Tommy

  • Travis

  • Emily Craft

  • Grandma Ida

  • Kitty (but preferably left in a permanent coma.)

    I ain’t naming names, but it would be fine with me if everyone

    else pretty much took a dirt nap.

    But I digress. Back to Kitty, Sarah, and Rebecca and the wedding

    preparations. For those who are curious — all two of you — Kitty decides to

    go with her hair up.

    Cut to the living

    room where Nora is wrapping little gifts for the wedding party. Kitty comes

    in looking for more poetry books from which to get inspiration. Nora points her

    to the bottom shelf. With any luck they’ll have Dr Seuss’ Oh the Places You’ll Go and Kitty will be set.

    Nora: Kitty? Can I talk to you?

    Kitty thinks this must be the big “talk” Sarah was warning

    her about. Perhaps she’ll get some inspiration from that.

    She says “of course,” sits down beside her mother, and takes

    her hand expectantly.

    Nora: Oh, sweetie. Here you go. I know how easy it is to get swept

    up with the music and the rice. Tomorrow you’re gonna put that beautiful dress

    on and walk down the aisle to Robert who is so handsome and my God, he could be

    President one day! And you’re going to commit the rest of your life to him and

    before you know it you will have…. completely forgotten who you are and what

    you stand for.

    Huh? This isn’t quite the talk Kitty was expecting. To her

    credit, Calista Flockhart does a pretty funny spit take. Instead of inspiring

    her, Nora seems intent on throwing cold water on any of her romantic


    Kitty: Wait a minute Mom, Sarah told me you were gonna give me a

    gushy speech that would make me cry. What is this that I’m getting?

    Nora: Maybe back then I was giving the warm and wonderful marriage

    speech. I’m wiser now and I have some things to say to you. I’m not gonna lie.

    Kitty: Please lie. Please lie. I would prefer you to lie. I don’t

    need you to give me cold feet.

    Nora tries to warn Kitty about how she’s in danger of losing

    her own identity by marrying Robert. Kitty simply plugs her ears, goes “la la

    la,” and runs out of the room.

    Cut to the foyer

    where Kitty, now determined to avoid her mother at all costs, gets a cell phone

    call from Isaac (Danny Glover). Or as I

    like to call him: “Mr. Mumbles.”

    He’s in his car on a rainy highway when he places this call

    to Kitty. It’s never exactly easy to understand

    what Mumbles is saying, and here the sound of rain hitting his windshield isn’t

    helping one bit. From what I can decipher, “hisherd rhuemers” about “allesh

    dish crept in seeds” regarding McAllister’s Gulf War heroism. So he’s on his

    way to LA to help Kitty.

    Isaac: Conshitter it my wetting jiff.

    Oh Mumbles, great to have you back!

    Cut to the next day at

    the vineyard. We get a shot of the

    wedding cake as it wheels by. Tommy and Kevin are in their tuxes and sharing a

    glass of wine with Scotty. Tommy admits to being thrilled with all the free

    publicity the wedding is generating for Walker Landing.

    Tommy: So, um, you guys back together?

    Kevin: We're in the process of becoming a “we” depending on what

    your definition of what a “we” is.

    Scotty: He’s such a romantic, isn’t he?

    Justin scampers up with Lena

    in tow. Tommy looks very put out, and

    Lena refuses to meet his eye. Things get even more

    uncomfortable when Julia walks up in her brown bridesmaid’s dress. Seriously.

    Brown. I know brides never want to be

    upstaged by their bridesmaids, but Kitty must be very insecure because she

    arranged to have them outfitted in baby poo colored dresses.

    Julia explains that Kitty sent her on an errand to find

    someone called “Isaac.”

    Cut to Kitty’s dressing

    room. Who knew vineyards come equipped with dressing rooms?

    Rebecca comes in and wants to know where the hair and makeup

    stylists went. Kitty sent them packing because they were annoying her. She’s

    decided to wing it and do her own hair and makeup. Uh, good luck with that.

    Rebecca clearly thinks this was a bad call but keeps her

    mouth shut. Isaac pokes his head in. He was late because his plane got


    Mumbles: Shnow

    sorms in dumitt wes.

    Uh oh. Assuming he’s

    talking about snow storms in the Midwest, I

    think this bodes ill for Grandma Ida’s arrival. (I didn’t see Marion Ross’ name

    in the guest star credits).

    Kitty looks very relieved to see Isaac and asks Rebecca if

    maybe they could have a minute alone.

    Rebecca leaves and Kitty asks Mumbles to talk to her while she gets ready.

    Cut to the reception

    hall where Nora and Stan (Chevy Chase)

    have arrived. Nora is trying to get Kitty on her cell phone.

    Two things. First, Nora isn’t wearing her old wedding gown, which I thought she'd made her up her mind to do on the last episode. I know she was going to dye it midnight blue, but I don’t think she planned on also

    making it a halter dress. Second, her

    date, Stan, towers over her. Which is a good thing. When Lena

    pulls out her Uzi later he’ll make an effective human shield for Nora.

    Stan: I still can’t believe we’re at some big shot Republican’s

    wedding. Man, times have changed.

    Nora: Now Stan, there’ll be no politics today. This is my

    daughter’s wedding.

    Stan mumbles something under his breath about how the cost

    of this “shindig” could feed a small African country.

    Saul comes up and tells Nora that their mother is “stuck in Denver” because of the

    snow. Aw nuts. I was really looking

    forward to seeing Ida again and this would’ve been the perfect occasion to trot

    her out.

    Stan remembers Ida from back in the old days, and without a

    trace of irony or sarcasm says it’s a shame she’s not coming.

    Saul, with enough sarcasm for the both of them, disagrees. The

    two men are reintroduced and then Nora pretty much dumps Stan off on Saul.

    Nora: Why don’t you two catch up. I’ve got to find Kitty.

    We cut back to Kitty

    and Mumbles. Kitty is trying to explain why there are discrepancies in the

    accounts of McAllister’s alleged Gulf War heroics.

    To summarize: Everyone thinks McAllister led a helicopter

    mission to retrieve some soldiers stranded in enemy territory. But it was

    actually the co-pilot who was arguing to try to save the soldiers. McAllister

    thought a rescue attempt was too risky and wanted to go back to base. Before they could do that their chopper was hit,

    and the co-pilot died in the crash landing. However, once he was on the ground

    Robert did save the stranded soldiers.

    (How, I wonder, since the helicopter was totaled and now he too was

    stranded in enemy territory? Anyone have a theory on that?)

    Mumbles: Show if it was upda hem?

    Kitty: Robert would’ve left..

    That’s why Daniel Kohl came out of the woodwork. He said he heard the

    whole thing from the control tower and that he could prove that Robert wasn’t

    the hero that everyone thinks he is.

    Kitty admits that she and Kevin essentially blackmailed Kohl

    into keeping quiet. Mumbles reassures her that’s exactly what he would’ve done,

    and then he helps her with a missed curler.

    Boy, this Isaac is downright fatherly. If he’s supposed to be a love interest for

    Nora and it’s a choice between him and Stan (Chevy Chase) — I’d definitely go with Mumbles.

    Kitty: If this thing comes out, do you think we can spin it?

    Mumbles tells her it would be better to find the leak and

    shut it down again

    Mumbles: Heil mek shem cawls.

    Kitty: Oh, God Isaac, do you know I haven’t told Robert about this

    yet? He has no idea.

    At this point Sarah starts banging on the door and threatens

    to kick it down if Kitty doesn’t let her in. Isaac opens the door, and on his

    way out promises Kitty he’ll take care of things.

    Cut to another room

    where Lena is by herself moping at a

    banquet table. Rebecca spots her and comes up to ask what’s wrong.

    Lena: It’s just so strange

    seeing Tommy here... and uh, all the high powered guests and the secret service


    Rebecca: (puzzled) What would be weird about seeing Tommy? (Realization

    dawning.) Oh Lena, please tell me that Tommy

    isn’t the married man.

    Lena doesn’t even try to

    deny it. She clearly wants to be found out.

    Rebecca: Oh God, what are you doing?

    Clueless Julia comes up at this point and drags Rebecca away

    for a bridesmaid pow wow.

    Cut to another part

    of the room where Kevin spots Robert and Jason’s Uncle Jack (Garry


    Uncle Jack spots Kevin too and mutters “Oh no. Not this


    Kevin: Hello, Uncle Jack. I can call you that now, right? Now that

    we’re on the verge of being family?

    Uncle Jack: I don’t think so, no.

    Apparently, Kevin is going to be getting the cold shoulder

    from the entire McAllister clan for dumping Jason.

    Uncle Jack leads Robert’s two kids off to find their seats.

    Kevin: (to McAllister) Well that was unpleasant. So, just be good

    to Kitty.

    McAllister: Better than you were to my brother?

    Kevin: That’s unfair.

    McAllister: He’s halfway across the world trying to make a

    difference with his life. He is all alone. And you dump him. Now it’s none of

    my business, so I’m going to get through this. I’m going to be cordial. And

    that’s what we should do for Kitty.

    This is totally Kevin’s cue to wrap his arms around McAllister

    and say, “Hug it out, bitch.” Instead he just lets the guy walk away.

    Cut to Kitty’s

    dressing room where we get the first view of her wedding dress and she coos

    over Paige and Coop. The kids skitter

    away, and Sarah is left to help Kitty put the finishing touches on her dress,

    hair and makeup.

    Sarah then launches into a heartfelt speech about how she

    never thought she’d see her “baby sister” walking down the aisle. Which is kind of funny considering Calista Flockhart

    is a couple years older than Rachel Griffiths.

    Cut to a few minutes

    later. We are in the courtyard watching a lone cellist playing “Wind

    Beneath my Wings.” Or something by Bach maybe. On a cello it all pretty much

    sounds the same to me. All the guests

    are seated and McAllister and the non-denominational minister are standing at

    the front waiting for Kitty.

    Kitty steps out of her dressing room and Nora catches sight

    of her for the first time today. She still wants to have that big “talk” with

    her daughter, but Kitty shushes her.

    Little Coop is then forcefully shoved down the aisle. Either

    he’s the ringbearer and that pillow is for the wedding bands, or Uncle Jack

    has frightful piles and Coop’s been roped into bringing him his donut. From

    Coop’s expression, I think it might be the donut.

    Paige follows him in her flower girl outfit. Then the poo

    brown bridesmaids start their walk of shame. Finally, Kitty is left alone with

    Nora — who won’t shut up. So what else is new. They start down the aisle.

    Nora: You have been my child, my challenge, my support, my best


    Kitty: Mom, you’re gonna make me cry

    Nora: Well, maybe you should cry. Or laugh or do whatever your heart

    tells you to. I know how hard you’ve worked to find someone to love. Who would

    really see you and love you back. Kitty, you’re incapable of losing yourself.

    You’re not me. You know yourself better than I ever have and I’m so proud of


    Aww. Kitty gets a tear in her eye as they reach the end of

    the aisle.

    The minister asks “who here is giving Kitty away.”

    Nora: She gives herself freely. With my love and my blessing.

    Kitty and Nora hug and then Nora finally gets shooed back to

    her seat where she discovers that her date, Stan, has mysteriously disappeared.

    Then the service begins in earnest, and McAllister recites

    his vows.

    McAllister: To say I love you seems inadequate. Because I cannot

    imagine my life without you. Because when I’m cynical you give me hope. In

    times where I was losing my way — you’ve been my guidepost. I love you more

    with each passing day. And so I give you my hand, my heart, and my love.

    Next it’s Kitty’s turn, only she just stands there with

    nothing to say. The words won’t come. She has an obstructed vow.

    Finally she whispers, “Robert I need to talk to you.”

    She races off. McAllister tells the guests they’ll be right

    back and follows her.

    At this point, Nora could jump up and totally stall for time

    by doing an a capella musical performance. “My milkshake brings all the boys in

    the yard, damn right it’s better than yours…”

    They totally get away with stuff like that over on Ugly Betty. It’s not


    Instead, we have Holly running around frantically telling

    the cater waiters to serve more wine to the milling guests.

    Meanwhile, in a private room Kitty explains to McAllister

    that she “couldn’t go through with it.” She couldn’t say her vows until he knew

    the truth: that she blackmailed someone.

    And we’re not just talking about some casting director.

    Cut back to the

    milling wedding guests where Uncle Jack is up off his pillow and complaining

    to an Ed Asner lookalike about how the Walkers are out to destroy the McAllisters.

    Uncle Jack: First the brother dumps Jason, and now this. We don’t

    deserve this. What did we ever do to this family?

    Cut to Tommy, Kevin

    and Justin. Kevin is high-fiving everyone because “Kitty came to her


    Cut to Nora obsessing

    over the possibility that maybe Kitty got cold feet because of what she said on

    the walk down the aisle. Sarah assures

    her that Kitty never listens to her anyway.

    Cut back to Kitty and

    Robert. Interesting, but he seems to think the whole blackmail thing is a


    McAllister: I don’t understand the problem. You were just doing your job. Kitty, we could

    all go to hell tomorrow. But whatever happens, I want you with me. Okay?

    Oh my gosh, “go to hell tomorrow?” He is the Anti-Christ! They hug and go back out to resume the service.

    Kitty: (delivering her vows): Robert, I don’t even know where to

    start because you are so many things to me. You’re this brilliant, poised

    diplomat and then you’re this really crazy romantic that just takes my breath

    away. And when you’re tired and stressed you get really grumpy. But then I can

    feel your head on my shoulder at night and I know that you’re asleep and you’re

    so peaceful and you’re so vulnerable. I could pull a Lorena Bobbitt on you so


    Okay, just wanted to make sure you were all still paying

    attention. She didn’t really say that last part. We now return to the sappy

    ramble already in progress.

    Kitty: (cont.) …sick, rich or poor. As long as I’m with you I will be

    complete. And that’s it. Oh, and one more thing. Robert, will you be my husband?

    McAllister: Yes, I will.

    They exchange rings, kiss and the wedding guests are on

    their feet clapping.

    Kitty and McAllister walk back down the aisle in slow motion

    while the wedding guests pelt them with either rose petals or used Kleenex

    tissues. I’m not sure which. I think they might be tissues because a

    particularly gloppy one sticks to Kitty’s forehead.

    Cut to a private room where Mumbles, Travis, Kitty and

    Robert are now meeting to discuss how to handle the brewing scandal over

    McAllister’s Gulf War record.

    Mumbles explains that Daniel Kohl has “a poached a numb her”

    of media sites. But so far hasn’t given any details because he’s waiting to be

    offered cash.

    Travis’ feathers are all ruffled because this is the first

    time he’s heard about this. Robert

    assures him he only just heard about it an hour ago.

    They decide on a game plan. They will go to all the news

    sites first and tell them that Daniel Kohl is a perjurer and an extortionist and

    anybody who prints his allegations is going to be hauled in to a Senate hearing for questioning.

    Huh? This is pretty

    questionable ethically. Considering what Daniel Kohl has to say is true.

    Cut to outside

    where the guests are now mingling. Saul is chatting up Uncle Jack, who grabs

    some sashimi off a nearby catering tray.

    Uncle Jack: This fish is undercooked.

    Saul: It’s tuna tartare.

    Uncle Jack: You might’ve warned me.

    Cut to the guest

    register where guests are supposed to take a Polaroid of themselves and

    tape it into the book. Scotty isn’t

    happy about his Polaroid.

    Scotty: Any chance I can take another picture?

    Kevin tells him no and then starts complaining about how

    poorly all the McAllisters have been treating him.

    Scotty doesn’t really want to hear it, and decides to “go

    for a walk."

    Boy, it sure didn’t take these two very long to start

    sniping at one another. I guess it’s going to be awhile before we see them in

    their lobster bibs making out again.

    Cut to a pensive

    Rebecca and a cougarish Sarah, both in their poo-brown dresses. Rebecca is

    sourly observing Justin make out with Lena. Meanwhile,

    Sarah is scanning the crowd for some man-meat to pounce on.

    Sarah: Do you see any nice men in my age range?

    Rebecca: Some of the secret service guys are hot.

    Sarah: Yeah, but they’re so cold.

    Kevin trudges up to get another glass of wine and share with

    Sarah and Rebecca that he’s “driven yet another man away.”

    Sarah: I’d love to commiserate, but Coop is throwing hors d'oeuvres

    in the pool.

    Sarah leaves and Kevin notices that Rebecca looks miserable.

    She asks him, rhetorically, whether he and his siblings tell each other

    everything. Or if there are “some secrets that are just completely off limits?”

    Kevin: I probably wouldn’t tell Kitty I’d like to murder her

    husband. And it wouldn’t be that difficult getting my hands on a shotgun thanks

    to him and his ilk.

    Rebecca somehow construes that as license to rat out Tommy

    and Lena. She heads off to find Justin.

    Unfortunately for Kevin, the secret service has overheard

    his joke about murdering McAllister. Apparently

    the floral arrangements are bugged.

    Cut to Rebecca asking

    Justin if they can go somewhere private to talk.

    Justin: Is everything okay?

    Rebecca: No, not really.

    Cut to Nora who is

    still hunting for her missing date, Stan. She runs into Mumbles, who recognizes

    her from a couple weeks ago.

    Mumbles: Norwa? I sick Marcia.

    Nora: Yes of course! Nice to see you again. I seem to have lost my date. I wonder where

    Holly Harper is?

    Mumbles compliments her on something or other, it’s hard to

    decipher. Since she can’t find her date, he asks if she’d like to have a glass

    of champagne with him. She agrees.

    Cut to a private room

    where Justin (who presumably now knows about Lena

    and Tommy) has pulled Tommy aside to have it out with him. Fisticuffs ensue.

    Well maybe not full on fisticuffs, but they grab each others lapels and grunt a

    lot. Anyway, it’s enough to attract the attention of the secret service guys.

    Cut to the wine cellar, which the secret service has set up

    as a sort of temporary detention center to house anyone they think might be a

    clear and present danger to the Senator. Justin and Tommy are thrown into the makeshift

    clink with Kevin and Stan (Chevy Chase). Kevin explains he got detained for threatening

    to kill McAllister, and that Stan got busted for smoking pot.

    Stan: You didn’t happen to bring any of those appetizers down here

    did you?

    Tommy: Yeah, I’ve got a shrimp cocktail in my pocket. What is wrong

    with you?

    Kevin: He’s got the munchies.

    Cut to later

    upstairs. Kitty and McAllister are dancing. Is it me, or do these two seem

    pretty carefree considering the scandal that is brewing with Daniel Kohl?

    My guess? Something “untoward” is going to happen to Kohl

    before he has a chance to spill his story, and then there’s going to be a big

    whodunit to figure out who offed him (or arranged to have him offed):

    McAllister, Mumbles, Travis, etc.

    Me, I’m just sad that this whole wedding thing doesn’t look

    like it’s going to end as I’d hoped, with Lena (jilted now by two Walker

    brothers) bursting into the room with guns ablazing. “Screw the bearclaws,

    Tommy! Say hello to my little friend!”

    Travis interrupts my reverie and Kitty and McAllister’s

    dance to tell them they “have a little situation.”

    Cut to the bar where

    Rebecca is ordering another drink. Why, she’s a regular Walker now! Drinks like a fish. Lena approaches.

    Lena: You haven’t seen Justin have you?

    Rebecca: No. And you should know that I told him about you and

    Tommy. Justin’s been through enough. He doesn’t need to get hurt.

    Lena: You know, in case

    you’ve forgotten, you used to sleep with a married guy too. What, now that

    you’ve hit the paternity jackpot you can act as if you’re better than me?

    Rebecca: I was sixteen, and I screwed up. But knowing you, dating

    Justin is just some calculated way to get Tommy back, and I’m sorry but it is

    spiteful, and it is stupid.

    Lena: If I didn’t know that you two were related I’d think that you were


    Rebecca: He’s my brother. I’m just trying to protect him.

    Lena: From what?

    Their conversation is interrupted by Sarah, who is ordering

    another drink in between cougar passes.

    Lena: Tell Justin I’m going home. He can call me if he wants.

    Cut to Holly bringing

    Saul a glass of wine. He

    compliments her on how lovely she looks this evening. And then he gets all

    wistful about their abortive attempt to date.

    Saul: Did you ever think maybe we ended things too soon?

    Holly: Aw, I like you Saul but one thing I know is men, and when we

    were together I knew that you weren’t that interested in me. You tried.


    Holly: I was in love with a married man — a man I couldn’t have —

    for twenty years. I didn’t mean to be. I just was. You can’t help who you love,


    Does she suspect that he’s gay? It’s hard to tell. At any

    rate, Holly flits away, leaving Saul to ponder these words of wisdom.

    Cut to the the temporary

    detention center, where McAllister has finally gone to spring Tommy,

    Justin, Kevin, and Stan. McAllister assures Justin that he won’t say anything

    to Kitty about this. Everyone is allowed

    to leave, but Robert pulls Kevin aside to tell him he was surprised that Kevin

    helped Kitty blackmail Daniel Kohl.

    Kevin: I did that for Kitty. And actually, you should know that I

    care a lot about Jason. And if things had worked out differently between us —

    well, we still wouldn’t be able to get married in this country.

    McAllister: You’re not ever gonna stop holding that against me, are


    Kevin: No, but I will stop threatening your life.

    McAllister: Sounds like we’re making some progress.

    Cut to upstairs where

    Mumbles is, well, mumbling something to Nora. Stan shows up and Nora grills

    him on why he disappeared for so long. She finds out that he was smoking pot

    and she freaks.

    Nora: What were you thinking?

    Stan: Okay Nora, I’m going home. I appreciate you looking me up. It’s

    really amazing seeing you again. But uh, it’s just not gonna work. Sorry.

    And just like that, Stan is gone. He came and went faster

    than, well, The

    Chevy Chase Show.

    Cut to Kitty dancing

    with a stand-in. Robert shows up and cuts in. They decide to sneak out and

    start the honeymoon early. Kitty pulls

    Nora aside and tells her to make her goodbyes to everyone.

    Cut to later that

    evening at Kevin’s apartment. Kevin and Scotty walk in exhausted. They slump

    down on the couch and Kevin apologizes for being such lousy company at the


    Kevin: I didn’t know Jason’s family was going to get to me like


    Scotty: Get to you? You were making death threats.

    Kevin: Oh come on. Do I look like an assassin? You can’t get mad at

    me for being upset at a bunch of people I don’t know acting like I’m the “gay”

    guy who doesn’t know how to commit.

    Scotty: Then why did you stand there telling everyone we’re still

    trying to define the word “we?”

    Kevin: Because you said you wanted to take things slow, Scotty.

    Scotty: You’re not over him, Kev. At least that’s what it feels


    Kevin: Okay, maybe I’m not over Jason. But I am getting there.

    Scotty, I wanna be with you.

    Scotty: Me, too. But sometimes just because you want something

    doesn’t mean it’s possible.

    With that, Scotty grabs his coat and heads for the door. He

    has an air mattress to fill somewhere across town. Either that or his shift

    starts at Chez Frou Frou restaurant and he’s got some poultry to debone. Either

    way, looks like Kevin isn’t getting any lobster meat this episode.

    Cut across town to

    Sarah’s house where Rebecca has helped her get Paige and Coop to bed. Alone

    at last, Sarah motions for Rebecca to come sit down beside her on the couch.

    Rebecca: Sarah, can I ask you kind of a random question?

    Sarah: Sure.

    Rebecca: Why did you tell me the truth about who my father is? I mean

    you could’ve not said anything.

    Sarah: At the time I told myself it was because you had a right to

    know. It was going to come out anyway. But you want to know the God’s honest

    truth? I did it to spite your mother.

    Rebecca: I figured. I think that’s why I kissed Joe. To get back at


    Rebecca seems to be on something of an honesty roll and

    decides to share with Sarah the news that Tommy and Lena

    were sleeping together.

    Sarah: Oh God.

    Cut to the Walker mansion where Mumbles

    is explaining to Nora why he is a Republican.

    Mumbles: (who suddenly I can understand) Do you know how many Republicans

    voted to pass the thirteenth amendment abolishing slavery? All of them.

    Nora is impressed but reminds him that was the nineteenth

    century. Times have changed.

    Nora: The Democrats do more for jobs and education today.

    Mumbles asks her to define what she means by “more,” but

    before she can answer he gets a cell phone call.

    Bad news. Daniel Kohl’s story contradicting McAllister’s Gulf War heroism is going to hit the Drudge Report in the morning. Mumbles wants to call Kitty and Robert to warn

    them, but Nora convinces him to hold off until tomorrow.

    Nora: It’s their wedding night. At least give them that.

    Cut to Robert and

    Kitty. He’s led her, eyes closed, onto his Gulfstream Jet. It’s festooned with flowers and calla lilies.

    The engines rev up and McAllister, who just can’t wait for the honeymoon to

    begin, starts lifting up her dress. She gets all prudish and asks what is he

    doing — the flight attendant might pop in at any moment. He tells her the crew

    is under strict instructions not to even come into the compartment. No matter what bloodcurdling screams they may hear.

    Cut back to Walker Vineyards. Holly

    is by herself cleaning up the joint. A strange man who looks suspiciously like

    Ken Olin from thirtysomething (and now

    executive producer on Brothers &

    Sisters) wanders in and snoops around. Holly immediately recognizes him.

    Holly: David?

    Turns out this David guy knew Holly back from her days as an actress. David

    seems a bit shifty and down on his luck. For her part, Holly seems suspicious about his just showing up.

    He picks up a picture of Rebecca and casually asks who she

    is, but Holly quickly (too quickly) pulls it away from him.

    Holly: Why don’t you tell me why you’re really here?

    Fade to black.

    Uh oh. Looks like David might have arrived on the scene with

    some dirt on Holly. What if Rebecca is actually his child and not Bill Walker’s? That’s one way to clear the decks for a Justin/Rebecca romance.

    I guess we’ll have to wait until January to find out more.

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