Buh-Bye: Pope Benedict XVI Resigns

[caption id="attachment_88943" align="aligncenter" width="607"] "Something, something, something Dark Side." (Getty Images)[/caption]

On Monday, news that an odious old priest-king would hang up his Prada slippers at the end of month ricocheted across the globe. Yes, it's sad but true. Too tired to go on, Pope Benedict XVI clicked his heels three times and heads back to Bavaria on February 28th. The last time a reigning pope of the Roman Catholic Church stepped down the year was 1415.

Before he drifts into obscurity, let's take one last look at some of the dribbly ramblings Joseph Ratzinger has shared with the flock since his Papacy began:

  • Gay marriage strips all relevance of masculinity and femininity.
  • Gay marriage is an "obstacle to world peace,"  just like nuclear arms proliferation and environmental pollution.
  • Gays need to be saved, just like the rainforest.
  • Gay marriage is among the "most insidious and dangerous challenges that today confront the common good."
  • Gays destroy "the very essence of the human creature."
  • Read the full text of Pope Benedict's resignation statement or watch the video:

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