Chatting With KAZAKY: Exclusive Interview

[caption id="attachment_95435" align="aligncenter" width="607"]KAZAKY KAZAKY[/caption]

You might not know KAZAKY now, but trust us - this Ukrainian group is going to be making waves. Known for their expert choreography and stiletto heels (our ankles and backs ache just thinking about them), KAZAKY recently performed at NYC's XL nightclub and appeared in Madonna's music video for "Girls Gone Wild". We got the chance to talk with them (and their translator) and get to know more about these creative individuals.

NewNowNext:: Introduce yourselves, what is KAZAKY all about?

KAZAKY: We are four cool and absolutely different dudes and everyone makes Kazaky such a special band.

NNN: Your music and style defies gender norms. What do you hope your work does for the gay/lesbian community and anyone who is sexually confused?

K: We're engaged only in creativity and it's our primary purpose. We are happy that we are loved by all, independent of sexual orientation. Of course we are also happy that the gay/lesbian community is an active and important part of our fan base. We often hear words of appreciation for our work, for that our work helps people feel free and equal. This is great and is the best compliment! Perhaps, freedom and equality - is the purpose of our creativity.

NNN: Your known for wearing those signature stilettos. Can you talk about how fabulous they are and how difficult it is to dance in them?

K: Of course, it was not easy to dance in heels but we rehearsed and practiced a lot, so that now it is easy. However, the main thing for us is to be masculine even in heels.

NNN: Do you have a signature dance move?

K: In today's world, dance no longer has a certain style. Of course, we have our own style, but it has no clear definition. Just Kazaky.

NNN: You design many of your own outfits for your videos. What was the most risque ensemble you ever wore/designed?

K: We're not the only ones designing our costumes. From the beginning, we've worked with our designer and stylist Anna Osmekhina. Yes, we were doing sketches, discussing ideas, but it's more accurate to say that this is a joint creation of Kazaky and Anna Osmekhina, who know very well how the band must look, and what would be comfortable for the choreography.

As for our most risque ensemble ... In 2011, we were at a party celebrating the opening of DSquared2 boutique in Paris, and Dan and Dean gave us very high heels in brass knuckles form... so it was risque! However, it was fun.

NNN: KAZAKY was featured in Madonna's music video "Girls Gone Wild." Can you talk a little about that?

K: Well, it was very professional, very cool and very fun. Madonna is incredibly talented and hardworking. What more can we say? Oh! It was a pleasure working with Arianne Phillips - she is gorgeous. Overall, it was one of the most interesting experiences of cooperation.

NNN: You made your American debut at club 57 in NYC, what's your favorite thing about the club scene in NYC?

K: New York has a special atmosphere. Here, everything is special. Our first performance in New York was amazing, because we received a very good reaction from the public. There were many people who knew our creativity. New York's public is very shining and variegated - that's what we like to hear the most.

NNN: Do you have any tips for when you go clubbing? Aka, what should you wear, what should you drink, who should you go out with?

K: Oh, no, we have no rules! You need to do just what you like and what is fun. The main thing is to be surrounded by interesting and nice people with whom you can feel comfortable.

Our last question kind of got lost in translation (who would have thought English and Ukrainian were so different), but it was still quite endearing.

NNN: Why should the followers of NewNowNext be a fan of KAZAKY?

K: None should not... perhaps must... but should not. Peace world!

You can check out some of KAZAKY's moves as well as check out their music on their YouTube page. Truth be told, we had to sit down and take a breath after just watching them, no way we could have moves that swank.

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