Chelsea Manning Makes Second Suicide Attempt

She made her first this past July.

Chelsea Manning has attempted suicide for the second time since her 2010 arrest for leaking classified military information.

Attorneys Vincent Ward and Chase Strangio have declined to speak to the specifics of their client's suicide attempt, but say her horrific prison conditions have been “demoralizing and destabilizing assaults on her health and humanity.”

“After her July suicide attempt, I watched her begin to piece her life and spirit back together only to have that shattered by the disciplinary proceedings brought against her and then the unannounced initiation of her term of punishment last month,” Strangio told the Associated Press.

“She has repeatedly been punished for trying to survive and now is being repeatedly punished for trying to die.”

Manning was convicted in 2013 for leaking more than 700,000 confidential military and State Department documents to WikiLeaks while she was working as an intelligence analyst in Iraq.

In 2014, the ACLU sued the U.S. Department of Defense on her behalf for barring treatment of her gender dysphoria. Though two separate Army medical specialists had confirmed the dysphoria and deemed it medically necessary for Manning to begin hormone therapy, the Army refused to budge.

After enduring extensive periods of solitary confinement and relentless abuse from prison officials, Manning attempted to take her own life this past July. She survived, but only to face harsh disciplinary action for her suicide attempt.

In September, she staged a several-day hunger strike, breaking only when the Army finally agreed to provide her with hormone therapy and gender confirmation surgery.

Those interested in writing to Chelsea can send mail to:

Chelsea E. Manning 89289

1300 North Warehouse Road

Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027-2304

h/t: CBS News

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