Cubbies for Grown Ups: Will This Work?

It is entirely possibly to come off a five-hour flight looking fresh as a daisy. Travel pros will all rattle off the same list of tips: drink plenty of water on board, moisturize, never look a coach passenger in the eye. But no matter how lovely you may look upon arrival, if you're going to be lugging a suitcase around all day, you might as well have taken the cross-country Greyhound.

So, ostensibly, the thing to do if you're not going straight to the hotel is to leave your luggage with a holding service. But, quick: can you think of anything besides lockers at airports and train stations?

Apparently in New York City there are a handful of such services. But, they are somewhat old-timey and may or may not know what smartphones are.

Enter Cubby. It has an app and uses a bubbly orange font, so you can tell it's modern. They currently have a pop-up store (see?), where you can drop your bags off, and either pick them up later or, for another fee, have them delivered to you whenever you want. (The delivery fee is only $10 if you're somewhere well-trafficked, which seems like a pretty good deal.) Presumably, perhaps when the pop-up ends at the end of the month, Cubby will find a permanent location.

So would you use this type of service? It's especially easy to use if you book a spot using their app, and it'll make you carefree and sexier. What about if the permanent store is the dude's apartment? Still would seem like kind of a deal. Agree or no?

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