Derek Theler Strips His 6'5" Frame For "Attitude," Zac Efron Voices James Franco's Foreskin: MEME

Larry Flint mocks Hugh Hefner for dropping naked women, Jeb Bush defends his brother on 9/11

As the mock bar mitzvah for James Franco continues, Jeff Goldblum was called upon to do the circumcision. Thankfully, Franco's foreskin was given a minute to speak before being ceremonially removed, and was voiced by Zac Efron in a pretaped message. The flap "requested to be buried in Bungalow 3 at the Chateau Marmont (notoriously known for the place where actor and comedian Josh [sic] Belushi was found dead after a drug overdose), but not before thanking the actor for always having his back when the ladies dubbed him gross, and bidding adieu to his testicular neighbors Gary and Bob."

The 16th century Temple of Santiago is reappearing in Mexico. It's not a miracle, although I can't wait for someone to call it that. It's a function of the drought, which has dropped the reservoir there to nearly record levels, causing the ancient church to rise from the waters, not to mention all the bodies of plague victims that were interned there. It's been underwater since a dam was built in 1966.

Larry Flint thinks that Hugh Hefner is crazy for dropping naked women from Playboy. “I think it was a silly move. How do you take the most important feature in your magazine and drop it? You know, Hefner is 99. I knew he was getting old but I didn’t know he lost his mind." Flint thinks there's a different problem with profitability at Playboy. "They need to change their financial blueprint. You have to run a magazine like a business. When you lose revenue, you got to cut your fixed cost. To give you an example, my editorial staff is seven. His is probably between 40 and 50. I make a profit, yet he’s losing money every month. That’s the story right there.”

Jeb Bush thinks it's crazy to blame his brother for 9/11. "Does anybody actually blame my brother for the attacks on 9/11? If they do they're totally marginalizing our society. It's what he did afterwards that matters. And I'm proud of him and so are a bunch of other people. You don't have to have your last name be Bush to understand that." Here's the thing about being in charge, if it happens on your watch, not to mention the fact that there were warning signs, it may not be your "fault" but it's definitely your responsibility.

In the wake of the horrible treatment of Shadow ‘Shadi’ Petoscary last month, the TSA says that it is discontinuing the use of the term "anomaly" when a transgender passenger comes through screening. Policy says that transgender passengers are to be treated as the gender they present at the time of screening.

Attitude takes a closer look at the 6'5", frequently shirtless Derek Theler, star of the ABC Family comedy Baby Daddy. He says that his size probably helped him get work. "I definitely think my looks have helped. I always have to try to look my best and my size does make me stand out a little bit. I think it has helped get some opportunities but it does take a hell of a lot of work to do this job. When I first arrived in L.A. I put a lot of money and time in to acting classes; it’s a give and take with my size. It’s hard to get in the door and have a conversation when you are the size of the door. But I am thankful I’m in the position that I am in, and I use it to my advantage."

I'm both fascinated and horrified at the mainstream press that chemsex parties are receiving in the UK. Beyond the BBC documentary, The Independent looks at the driving factors of exclusion that lead to these weekend long binges of drugs and often unsafe sex. I'm just trying to figure out why all the attention is happening now. These things aren't new. I first saw them in Salt Lake City in 1998 (and they weren't new then), participated in San Francisco in that same year, and lived it as an unhealthy lifestyle in D.C., Dallas and New Orleans until around 2001 when I checked into rehab. So why all the attention 20 years later, as our media impression is just getting good?

A major new study of same-sex parenting from the University of Texas shows that they spend more time on child-centered activities than heterosexual parents. It's most pronounced in lesbian couples, which spend 40% more time on child activities than their straight counterparts, but even in gay couples, they spend about the same amount of time as the straight women do on child activities, which is twice as much as the male parent in a heterosexual couple.

El Niño is going to be huge this year all across the nation, with heavy snows and unseasonable temperatures, but one effect I wasn't counting on was venomous tropical sea snakes are washing up on California beaches. The yellow-bellied sea snakes, cousin to a cobra and one of the most poisonous snakes in the world have been spotted along the southern coast. Officials are asking people to document the spotting and send pictures with GPS information, but not to touch or engage the snakes in any way.

The ARC Lowlanders of Amsterdam, a gay rugby team, has put together a 2016 calendar. One of the things I love about this video (besides the hot naked guys), is that it shows off some beautiful parts of Amsterdam they used as backdrops, things that Americans who've never traveled there might not think of. So beyond the good cause and hot guys, there's a little bit of an artistic travelogue here.

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