Eight Egyptian Men Sentenced To Prison After Appearing In Gay Wedding Video

 Egypt jails eight men for 'gay wedding' video

Eight men in Egypt have been sentenced to three years in prison after appearing in a video depicting a same-sex wedding.

The men insisted the clip— which showed two men exchanging rings—was just a "joke" filmed at a birthday party, but they were all still found guilty of "inciting debauchery" and "offending public morality."

It's not illegal to be gay in Egypt, but high-ranking officials didn't take kindly to the video, which went viral after it was posted on YouTube back in September.

Related: Grindr Warns Egyptian Gays About Police Entrapment

Islamists had led the chorus of outrage against the video, saying that it proved moral standards had dropped since Islamist President Mohammed Morsi was removed from power last year," said BBC Middle East editor Sebastian Unger.

The AP reports family members cried outside the courthouse as the decision was read, insisting an anal examination conducted by an Egyptian physician had declared the men "not gay."

The original video can be seen below.

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