Ellen Degeneres Introduces Her Son, Wait, What?

"Go get mommy some tequila."

When I heard that Ellen DeGeneres introduced her own son on yesterday's episode of her talk show, I was legitimately confused. Had I missed something? When was she pregnant?

Luckily, Ellen was confused, too. After mentioning the imminently adorable Eastwood heir, Scott, Ellen began to introduce her own progeny: "I know you're thinking 'Ellen, I didn't know you had a son,' and for a long time neither did I... Everybody say hi to Rico, my son!" Then, out walked some Herculean statue person, and I realized that this is what is referred to as a "joke."

"I can't tell you who the father is, because it is Mario Lopez, and he doesn't want anyone to know," she continued.

Carmen Electra, who was a guest on the episode, immediately blushed and was ready to hand him over to her entourage: "I have a whole crew that are probably gagging right now... My gays would love your son," said Electra. Yes, I have a feeling they would.

Either way, Rico looks great and him and his mother seem to have a very nice relationship.

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