Gavin MacIntosh Upset About YouTube Blocking "Fosters" Kiss Video

gavin-macintosh-2Connor Stevens (Gavin MacIntosh), enjoying a sandwich, blissfully ignorant of the terrible world of the Internet.

This Sunday, The Fosters star Gavin MacIntosh (aka Connor, one half of the newly christened #jonnor) spoke out on Twitter about the age restriction warning on a YouTube clip of his character's kiss with Jude Foster (Hayden Byerly). It has been hailed as quite possibly the youngest same-sex kiss shown on American television. Despite its utter lack of adult sexual content, the kiss had been flagged as such, requiring viewers to confirm their age before viewing.

An enraged MacIntosh wrote "WHAT?! YouTube blocking #jonnor scene w/ age restrictions? 100% discrimination & homophobia! SO innocent compared to what's on YouTube!" and carried on, saying that YouTube was supporting hate groups by "blocking" the video.

The age restriction has since been removed, whereupon YouTube released a statement reading "When it's brought to our attention that a video or channel was age-gated incorrectly, we act quickly to fix it." They may think they've covered their asses on this one, but the reality is that they're more visible than ever. It's like a Scissor Sisters concert from where we're standing.

Society at large is notorious for censoring gay content on the grounds that same-sex interactions are inherently dirty (Think of the children! How could they not think of butt stuff when they see a male-on-male kiss?), and this occurrence is just another drop in the bucket. We can be thankful that YouTube backed off, but this kind of sexuality policing has been going on for much longer than just this week.

Now that prominent figures are being more outspoken, this may begin to change, but we are at the beginning of this debate, not the end. What do you all think about this issue? Please let us know in the comments below!

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