Gay Dads Serve Family Dinner In New Famous Footwear Ad

Because family time is important no matter what your family looks like.

A new ad for shoe retailer Famous Footwear highlights the importance of family time by showing a family of four, two dads with their daughter and son, surrendering their electronic devices before enjoying a distraction-free family dinner.

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The 30-second spot, titled "Family dinner, a time to reconnect," shows one dad rounding up everyone's devices in a large bowl. The kids are quick to give up their phones but the young girl tries to keep an iPad under the table at her feet. In the commercial's most touching moment, the two dads give each other a knowing look before turning to their daughter, who eventually places the iPad in the bowl.

A tagline reads "Famous for What Matters Most" as dad doles out portions of parmesan chicken with pesto sauce.

The ad's description adds: "Time to put away the digital distractions and reconnect with what matters" Check it out below.

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