Gay "Doctor Who" Fans Take Best Engagement Photos In All Of Space-Time

Doctor Who returns to television on August 23, but two gay Whovians created their own Time Lord tableau for their engagement photos.

TJ Mundell and Timmy Patterson of Dallas constructed a custom TARDIS and hired photographers Shaun and Shannon Menary to shoot in an appropriately gloomy warehouse in Deep Ellum. To complete the scene, Patterson dolled up as the Ninth Doctor (played by Christopher Eccleston) and Mundell went as the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant).

"We couldn’t just take 'normal people' engagement photos—we aren’t normal people," the happy couple shared. "With the upcoming Series 8 premiere, the timing couldn’t be better."

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Fittingly, Patterson's proposal was something right out of a Doctor Who episode: “He proposed while we were hiking on a mountain in Japan last November," recalled Mundell. "We were surrounded by monkeys and were almost killed by a giant Japanese wasp.”

Patterson and Mundell will tie the knot on November 8 in Saratoga, California.

h/t: Buzzfeed. Photos: Shaun Menary Photography

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