Gay Man Hospitalized After Stuffing 15 Eggs in Rectum During Chemsex

The Dutchman and his partner were under the influence of GHB.

He should've made an omelet.

A Netherlands man was recently rushed to the hospital in critical condition after shoving 15 hard-boiled eggs into his rectum, Daily Mail reports.

The unidentified 29-year-old Dutchman and his partner were on GHB when they boiled, peeled, and inserted the eggs, according to Dutch Magazine for Healthcare.

GHB, or gamma-hydroxybutyrate, is a common "date rape" drug also used during "chemsex," or sex under the influence of recreational drugs.

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Experiencing stomach pains, the patient was admitted to the hospital with tachycardia (elevated heart rate) and tachypnoea (rapid breathing). Suspecting abdominal sepsis, doctors ran a CT scan that showed a perforated pelvic colon, as well as large amounts of air and fluids in the abdominal cavity.

An emergency laparotomy was performed to repair the tear in his gastrointestinal wall.

"The eggs were removed as well as we could and the abdominal cavity was thoroughly rinsed," the doctor says. "After the operation, the patient was monitored in intensive care for a short time. After several days he could leave the hospital in a clinically good condition."

Well, that's eggcellent news.

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