Gay News Anchor Warns: “Get Ready For An Eight-Inch Pounding” ...Of Snow

"That's too much—even for me."

If you're on the East Coast, you have probably been hearing reports of a winter "bomb cyclone" that is predicted to dump inches of snow and frigid temperatures up and down the coast this weekend.

Well, out news anchor Blaine Stewart, of WKTR 3 News in Virginia, had a unique way of warning viewers to brace for more than eight inches—of snow, that is. Even adding "that's too much, even for me."


Is it a joke? TMI? Twitter doesn't care because Stewart's tweet has gone viral and currently has more than 15,000 likes with 8,000 retweets.

This isn't the first time Stewart has used the weather forecast to make a sex joke. Last year, Virginia was expected to get hit with as much as 10 inches of snow, and he warned viewers that those were actual inches "not Grindr inches."

It's funny because it's true.

Stewart's jokes also made headlines back in 2016 when after a news report of Victoria Secret's new fantasy bra he said: “For most guys a fantasy bra is one they can actually unhook.”

His co-anchor broke out in laughter as he quickly added: “Trust me, I wouldn’t know.”

Stewart, please don't stop with the jokes because we need to laugh our way through this freezing winter.

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