Gay NFL Player Getting Ready To Come Out, Continue Playing

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More big gay news is coming our way today. It seems like we may have our first openly gay male athlete playing a major American sport with the news that a NFL player is getting ready to come out of the closet, and continue playing.

Sadly, we can assure you all it is not the happily married Tom Brady.

According to Mike Freeman of CBS Sports, "Based on interviews over the past several weeks with current and former players, I’m told that a current gay NFL player is strongly considering coming out publicly within the next few months — and after doing so, the player would attempt to continue his career."

He then added, "This player’s true concern, I’m told, is not the reaction inside an NFL locker room but outside of it. The player fears he will suffer serious harm from homophobic fans, and that is the only thing preventing him from coming out. My sources will not say who this alleged player is."

Still no word on who the player is, and we are not dumb enough to believe any tweets guessing who it may be. Again.

NFL More Homophobic Than Ever, Asking Prospects If They’re Gay

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