George Takei Says It's "Really Unfortunate" Mr. Sulu Is Gay

Say it ain't so, George.

George Takei is not among those cheering the news that Mr. Sulu will come out as gay in the new Star Trek Beyond. The actor-activist told The Hollywood Reporter the development was "really unfortunate" because its out of step with what Gene Roddenberry would have wanted.

Takei first broached the idea of a gay Trek character—or at least an allegory to one—to Roddenberry back in 1968. The Star Trek creator was sympathetic, but told him "he walking a very tight rope — and if he pushed too hard, the show would not be on the air."

Fast-forward a half-century and now Hikaru Sulu (played by John Cho in the new movie franchise) isn't just the helmsman of the U.S.S. Enterprise, he's in a committed relationship with another man, and has a young daughter.

Director Justin Lin and actor-screenwriter Simon Peeg said they chose to explore the storyline as an homage to Takei, but he's not taking it that way.

"I’m delighted that there’s a gay character," he told The Reporter. "Unfortunately, it’s a twisting of Gene’s creation, to which he put in so much thought. I think it’s really unfortunate."

Apparently Roddenberry had always envisioned Sulu as heterosexual, though there's really nothing in the TV show or films to make a case for his sexuality in any direction.

Sulu's daughter, Demora, appeared in 1994's Star Trek Generations, but certainly by the 23rd century same-sex parenting won't be that unusual.

Cho told Takei about Sulu being gay last year, but he tried to convince him to make a new character gay instead.

"I told him, 'Be imaginative and create a character who has a history of being gay, rather than Sulu, who had been straight all this time, suddenly being revealed as being closeted.'"

After speaking with Cho, and then with Lin, Takei was under the impression they were going to take his advice, until last week, when he spoke with Cho again.

Oh well, you can't please everyone.

Takei still loves Trek, though, and would love to take part in the new Star Trek series coming from CBS next January.

"Leonard Nimoy made two cameo appearances [in Star Trek films]. There’s no reason why an ancient, wise Admiral Sulu can’t appear—or maybe an alien creature who sounds like me. That should be fun," Takei says.

And let's hope that alien creature with George's rich baritone is gay as blazes.

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