Greg Bennett: One of the Most Entertaining Reasons to Watch "The Real Housewives of New Jersey"

Greg Bennett with Caroline Manzo


fans of The Real Housewives of New Jersey

may have been wondering who that very entertaining new cast member this season

is. No, I'm not talking about Melissa Gorga or Kathy Wakile — but rather Greg Bennett. The 25-year-old is Albie

and Chris Manzo’s witty gay roommate and

the source of most of season 3’s comic relief (the season’s reunion shows begin

airing on October 16 on Bravo).

That's really saying something in a Real Housewives season that started with a

family brawl at a christening

party (you read that right). We have the lowdown on the out Fordham University

graduate and Joe Gorga aficionado

who can always be counted on to drop a humorous one-liner at any moment.

On Caroline Manzo: “I’m

pretty sure everyone who’s seen the show feels like she’s their second mother …

I love my real family, but she’s made me feel like a part of her family by

opening her heart and her home to me. She’s the best!”

Bennett has a theory about why we’re seeing another side

of Teresa Guidice (pictured right) this season. “I think the fact that she’s dealing with

her family as opposed to Danielle

[Staub] … has to do with why we’re seeing a different side of her. I think

it would be that way with anyone.”

He describes his

online show with the Manzo brothers as “Three’s

Company meets The Odd Couple

meets Entourage.” “I am clearly

Suzanne Somers,” Bennett jokes. “We had a lot of fun making [Boys to Manzo] and got a very positive response from it.” While he

describes Chris’ messes at their Hoboken apartment as “like the Rapture … he

comes home and before you know it, his shoes, sweatshirt, socks, and hat are on

the floor and he’s nowhere to be found,” his roommates affectionately refer to the

6’5” Bennett as their “mister” — meaning “man-sister” —

joking that he’s a stand-in for their sister, Lauren.

His apartment

contains a step-and-repeat area! “Al met someone who made them for a living

and he hooked us up big time … the general rule is that everyone who comes to

the apartment has to take a picture.” Its red carpet is his beloved Chorkie

(Chihuahua-Yorkie mix) Deloris van Cartier’s favorite place to sun herself. And

yes, she was named for Whoopi Goldberg’s Sister

Act character.

Bennett with Deloris van Cartier

That witty commentary — including his play-by-play during

Teresa and Kathy’s fight in Punta Cana — is part of what makes Greg, Greg. “What

you see from me on the show is what you’d get if we had dinner together. My mom

and dad will be the first to tell you that I’ve had a quick response for

everything since I was little. Of course witnessing a bunch of lady drama on a

show like this has had me on my toes for the past year or so.”

He gets along great with

the housewives’ husbands. Especially new cast addition Joe Gorga, Teresa

Guidice’s brother. Gorga recently hit a gay bar in NYC and performed an

impromptu striptease while celebrating Bennett’s birthday! “Joe Gorga is just a

good time, plain and simple. He loves his wife, and loves to make people


His dream date

is Glee’s Puck (Mark Salling), but … Bennett, an

online marketer who works from home, admits he’s “in a very happy relationship”

with an unnamed boyfriend. “It’s a bit long distance for the time being while

he finishes up his Master’s degree, but we’re making it work. He makes me laugh

a lot.”

And Bennett clearly has no problem being in front of a camera, judging by this Guys with iPhones photo...

No word on what the housewives thought of that photo, but they have met his squeeze and approve. However, Bennett jokes that

Joe Gorga is jealous.

He’s as excited for the upcoming reunion shows as we are.

“I’ve heard it’s going to be an epic reunion show, so I’ll be watching with

everyone else.”

Should we look for Bennett on Watch What Happens: Live with Bravo head honcho Andy Cohen? “That’s up to Andy! I think we’d be

entertaining [together] too. I guess I have to wait for the call.”


can catch the antics of Bennett and the Manzo boys in their Boys to Manzo web series and on The Real Housewives of New Jersey,

Sunday nights on Bravo.

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