Grindr Calls The 2016 Presidential Election

What are the biggest issues LGBT voters are concerned with?

Gay hookup app Grindr recently conducted an early election poll, and the results revealed how a portion of LGBTQ people will be voting.

When asked what they felt was the biggest issue facing America today, 50% of those polled said the economy. The other big issues included immigration (10.3%) and healthcare (9.8%).

"Our users also take a holistic view of rights issues – 'minority rights' outpolled 'LGBT rights' 9% to 3%," the study revealed.

When asked what they thought the next big fight for the LGBT community should be, now that gay marriage was made legal, here's how they responded:

"41% singled out 'Pushing forward the Equality Act to end legal LGBTQ discrimination.' 'Fighting HIV/AIDS' drew 15% of votes; then, 'ensuring that states follow the law on marriage and adoption' was selected by 12.4% and after that 'strengthening transgender rights' was the choice of 11.5%."

But who is their pick to run for president next year?

It was a close call among Democrats, but Bernie Sanders edged out Hillary Clinton 38% to 35%.

For Republicans, Donald Trump came out on top, gaining 21% of the vote.

Grindr’s 2015 Election Survey was distributed as an in-app poll to Grindr’s US user base over the weekend of September 12-13, with 1,718 users responding before the polls closed.

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