Heidi Montag Loves Assault Rifles, Thinks She Has Fans

[caption id="attachment_90167" align="aligncenter" width="607"]Photo Credit: Getty Images Photo Credit: Getty Images[/caption]

Today in narcissism, Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag believe they are famous enough to be the targets of stalkers and murderers and other things that go “BOO” in the night.

Oh, and also that’s the excuse they’re giving for owning assault weapons! They own them because of the stalkers, and not because they are the most loser-ish supporters of the right wing since time began, and DEFINITELY not because of photo opportunities like this.

My eyes are rolling so hard I’m nearly cross-eyed two paragraphs into this story, but with Heidi giving quotes like this to the Daily Mail:

“I didn't feel safe especially with crazed fans and stalkers out there but if somebody broke into our home, this is the only thing that could actually save my life.”

…I can’t.

Now, maybe we’d all feel that way if we had just been the subject of a British documentary, but really? Really? The level of withering in the look 90% of readers are giving their computer screens right now is somewhere between 1 and sitting next to a person eating tuna salad on a public bus. Because their delusions of fame and grandeur are so completely off-base. Perhaps they’ve taken a time machine back to 2005, when they actually stood a chance at having careers that weren’t based on, I don’t know- pretending to be more famous than they are? Incessant narcissism? Love of crystal therapy?

If Spencer and Heidi want to own guns, fine, whatever, it’s their prerogative. But blaming their firearms obsession on their level of fame is just absurd. Blargh.

Heidi Montag Still An Idiot

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