HIV-Positive People Thank Their Heroes in Heartwarming New PSA

The video promotes Logo’s upcoming premiere of AIDS documentary "Quiet Heroes."

A new PSA proves once again that not all heroes wear capes.

MTV has produced a powerful video, "Thank Your Hero," featuring five HIV-positive people who have had some help overcoming the stigma still facing those living with HIV.

These young people are given the opportunity to thank those who have guided them without judgment through difficult times following their diagnoses. They aren't aware that these everyday heroes are listening to the emotional testimonials and getting ready to surprise them.

"I was always taught to love others. But when I met Twiggy, she gave me the space to be able to love and value myself," says one man about his personal hero. "She’s been someone that’s pushed me and challenged me. She’s read my for filth, but those are all reads with love."

"The first person I reached out to was Emmanuel," says another man of learning his HIV-positive status. "He taught me not to allow myself or others to attach shame to who I was... Five years ago I could never have imagined that I could be healthy and happy."

The PSA promotes Logo’s upcoming premiere of Quiet Heroes, a new documentary about lesbian medical professionals who, during the peak of the AIDS crisis in Salt Lake City, became two of the only Utah doctors willing to treat AIDS patients.

Quiet Heroes premieres August 23 at 8/7c on Logo.

To learn more about how to support people living with HIV, visit

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