How Gay Was 'Glee?': Graduation

We know when you ask, “what’s so gay about Glee?” the obvious answer is, “everything.”  But we’re here to break down the queerest bits of Glee into bit-sized morsels for your enjoyment.  Think of us as your gay cheat sheet to ‘Glee’ fandom.

Glee closed out its season Tuesday with "Graduation," which sent the seniors out to the post-McKinley world.  Our gays reaffirmed their relationship commitments, parents proved to be supremely awesome, and we get some hope for the future of gay Lima.

1. The Proto-Gays. Kurt Hummel may be leaving McKinley's halls, but he's leaving behind his mark in the form of at least two little proto-gays who are rocking the signature Kurt look.  We'd like a spin off of their fabulous Lima  adventures ASAP.  Maybe they can finally find a way to make a turban work in suburban Ohio.

2. Gloria Estefan Loves The Gays!  As her turn as Santana's mom, she reveals that she's happy as long as her daughter is happy, regardless of sexual orientation.  We knew we had another reason to love her.

3. Burt Hummel Channels Beyonce.  Glee brought back one of it's most classic sequences to say goodbye to Kurt -- his iconic Single Ladies dance from season one. No men in leotards this time, though, just Burt Hummel and a sparkly glove paying homage to his son before he graduates.  It was one of the stand out moments of joy in the whole episode.

4. Quinn Wants Some Rachel Time.  The two ladies are finally pals and Quinn's goodbye gift to Rachel is a Metro North pass between New Haven and New York.  We'll note there wasn't a pass for Finn in there too...

5. The Gay Stay Together. Finn and Rachel might be broken up for the foreseeable future, but all's good on the queer front. Britt and Santana didn't make any gesture to split, and Kurt and Blaine reaffirmed their decision to make long distance work, and even grow old together.  It's nice to see the most stable relationships in Lima are our favorite ones.  The summer hiatus better not screw that up.

Recently: How Gay Was ‘Glee?’: Double Header

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