I Love New York's 12-Pack: "I'm Not Gay"

New York's mom and co-star Sister Patterson, was the first to say she thought a few of the guys were gay. Dave "12-Pack" Amerman, named for his abs, was one of them.

In a recent episode, New York learned from 12 Pack's ex-girlfriend that he used to be a stripper in a gay bar. After being eliminated because New York felt he was on the show to benefit his own career (umm...didn't she use her appearances on Flavor of Love to get her own show?). So like every other reality show contestant who's booted off before winning, 12 Pack is making his press rounds. Like any typical straight man, is rushing to clear up the gay rumors. In an interview with Hip-Hop, he denied the gay rumors by pointing out how much he loves the ladies:

Man, I'll put it straight out there... ¦ I'm not gay. I'm not in one way possible gay. My last employment is nothing. My ex-girl came to the house! She was f*****' hot; blonde and I did her when I got home. People hated on me though.

He also happened to mention he is in negotiations with VH1 for a show of his own. When he was eliminated from the show, he said

"The reason I came out here is because I'm an actor. I wanted to be in front of the cameras, but I had a great time. I don't regret anything."

With so many "actors" in the world, it's a wonder television has anyone left to watch.

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