IMHO: "30 Rock" (3.22) Season Finale: "Kidney Now!"


It's been a busy couple of weeks around here [subtly tilts gargantuan diamond engagement ring so that it catches the light] and I just had the chance to catch up on a few of my favorite shows last night, and realized that the finale of 30 Rock, which was one of the gayest of the series, hadn't gotten a mention yet.

So I'm strappin' on my IMHO boots and tackling "Kidney Now!"... which you can watch in its entirety after the jump, if you missed it. But beware: Clay Aiken cameos and fake Tyras await!

Here ya go:

So, first and foremost, there's nothing quite like a triple-cameo by Clay Aiken, Mary J. Blige AND Elvis Costello in one scene. (Not to mention a drunk Cyndi Lauper a bit later on.) And featuring Aiken without the requisite gay joke? CRAZINESS!

The gay joke actually came later, when Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan) spoke at his high school and directed his message of being proud of who you are to the class's "clearly gay kid" (to which the student dryly replied, "who told?") and the school's lone white student, who was just trying to get by unnoticed.

I've enjoyed most of this season of Rock, and even though the show lacks a major gay character, it has featured a number of minor gay characters (Will Arnett's Devon Banks, Jack's assistant Jonathan) and features gay-related humor in nearly every episode (there was another gay joke in the talk show segment of this episode regarding "fruit blindness" and another about bisexuality having been invented in the '90s to sell hair product) and it's almost always good-natured and funny.

What did you think of the ep, and the season overall? Is the Emmy darling leaving the season on a high note?

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