ISIS Throws Two More Gay Men To Their Deaths In Iraq

"Islamic law bans homosexuality, but the brutal punishment by ISIS has never been witnessed in history.”

ISIS has murdered four more men for the "crime" of homosexuality.

Two young men where thrown from the roof of a building in Mosul this weekend, accused of being a couple.

"On Sunday afternoon, [ISIS] called on the people of Mosul to gather in the square of Bab al-Toub in order to witness the execution of the two allegedly [gay] men," an eyewitness told ARA News.

Photo of the incident show an imam reading out their sentence before a large crowd.

In September, two women were executed for practicing law in the city.

In ancient times Mosul was known as Nineveh, the capital of the ancient Assyrian empire. It is mentioned in the book of Genesis.

The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for killing dozens of accused homosexuals in Iraq and Syria, though details of their alleged sins are never provided.

“[ISIS] accuses people of being gay only on basis of some superficial information without any investigation," said civil rights activist Raed Ahmed. "Islamic law bans homosexuality, but the brutal punishment by ISIS has never been witnessed in history.”

h/t: Accidental Bear

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