Justin Bieber Visits Anne Frank House, Writes Dumbest Thing Ever

[caption id="attachment_93563" align="aligncenter" width="607"]Lindsay Lohan vows that Justin Bieber will pay for being mean. Getty Images[/caption]

Justin Bieber stopped by the Anne Frank House this weekend, and left this touching message in the guest book on his way out: "Truly inspiring to be able to come here. Anne was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber."

Yep, sure hope that Annie would have been a belieber above all things.

In response to this idiotic and, let's be totally honest here, disgustingly offensive comment, the press house released a statement saying; "He's 19, it's a strange life he's living, it wasn't very sensible but he didn't mean bad."

We think it's probably time Justin Bieber's mom swooped back in to her son's life before he goes (more) off the rails. Especially now that he has become so egotistical he is openly expressing his wish that a 15-year-old girl who died in a concentration camp after being in hiding for over two years would have liked his music.


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