Know Your Instagrammer: Dusty St. Amand

Dusty St. Amand's blend of homoerotic art (sometimes edging on softcore porn) and voyeuristic day-in-the-life photography have amassed a following of 16K+ for the 29-year-old Floridian.

I start off our time together by asking St. Amand to describe himself. "Mystic digital otter weirdo," he tells me. "Maybe?" he asks. (I verbally double-tap: "Sure!")

Below, we chat with Dusty St. Amand/@dusterz.

NewNowNext: In the simplest terms, what is the difference between Dusty St. Amand and @dusterz?

Dusty St. Amand: Dusty St. Amand is a person working through disjointed sexual/sensual feelings and experiences. He’s seeking so much. @dusterz moves with fluidity and offers answers. He, himself, is enough.

#summer #selfie #sale

A photo posted by Dusty St. Amand (@dusterz) on

Who is your Instagram account catered toward?

For me, it's always important that I satisfy my queer community first and then I'll go from there. I want to be a part of those that do not feel that they are the majority. I hope that in some way by being a weirdo on the internet I'm helping other people that feel weird in other ways.

@rickymiddlesworth and I playing w/ lights. #LA

A photo posted by Dusty St. Amand (@dusterz) on

What would you say to someone that looks at you and says, 'I don't see a weirdo.'

I'm not unaware of the market aspect of what I do to my stuff. I put fluff and filler in there that is based on my face and my body and my looks. I present the aspects of myself that people like and I know they like it because they tell me. So I make a point to be a hairy-chested guy. I make a point to be a beard-y guy.

Gays become very discerning in very vehement, fiery ways because they want to make sure they stop this from going anywhere they don't want it to go.

#latenight #tbt of #me. by @gmvaughan

A photo posted by Dusty St. Amand (@dusterz) on

What do you mean by 'this'?

Gays want to discern what is the hot thing and what is not the hot thing. I want things to get a lot of likes, but I'm not in that mindset anymore. I prefer to see the following rising as opposed to the 'likes' rising. I'm not trying to cater to the mass, I'm catering to my niche.

Seeking Summer

A photo posted by Dusty St. Amand (@dusterz) on

Would you ever delete a photo if it wasn’t getting enough 'likes’?

I delete things that don’t seem congruous with the rest of the work. Stuff that doesn’t seem as smart upon review.

#tbt : @oh_dii

A photo posted by Dusty St. Amand (@dusterz) on

The first 10 minutes after you post a photo, what do you do? Are you constantly refreshing?

I do, sometimes. It has to be fun or don't do it. I would not do this if it felt like work because so much of this is just f*ckin' sweat equity. I don't make any money on this. I do it because I love it and I think that's why people are on board with this because they're like 'Yo, he's having fun.'

For me, Instagram is a video game and in those moments I'm winning. You have little patterns you start to recognize though. If I get this amount of 'likes' in this amount of time it'll probably get X amount of likes. I know if I get 100 in ten minutes, this is a pretty successful post for my ratio.

#Miami : @ricpie

A photo posted by Dusty St. Amand (@dusterz) on

When is the best time of day to post a photo?

Noon-ish for more ambient, lifestyle shots. Late night for really racy material.

#tbt #wet : @drobprod

A photo posted by Dusty St. Amand (@dusterz) on

What is your ultimate goal with the account (you mentioned it becoming a sort-of virtual gallery for other artists, so can you talk about that)?

I’m looking to find artists that vibe with my work that are looking for a platform to explore their interests. I want to provide that platform, while still maintaining the @dusterz brand. I want to guide sexually expressive artists within the context of collaboration. A “haus”, if you will.

Main image courtesy of Heath Stiltner.

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