Elderly Lesbian Couple Receive Nasty Note: "[We] Detest Your Screwed-Up Notions Of Equality"

"We had enough of that crap under the despicable Obama administration," claimed the anonymous writer.

An older lesbian couple in Tampa received a harassing note on their car, telling them people "thoroughly despise and detest your screwed-up notions of equality."

After leaving a meeting of the Hillsborough County Women’s Democratic Club at the local library, the women—both in their 70s—found a note from a Trump supporter on their car.

ABC Action News

It read:

Dear Madam, please don’t take this personally, but please know there are people like me who thoroughly despise and detest your screwed up notions of equality, as clearly represented by the [HRC] sticker on the back of your car.

Thank you for self identifying. We had enough of that crap under the despicable Obama administration and we are not going to tolerate the same or worse under Hillary’s jack-booted oppression. We voted for Trump in Droves, and will do so again in 4 years.

Regards, John Q. Republican

“These women are in their mid-70s, one needs a cane to walk," Patty Cohn, who also attended the meeting, told ABC Action News. "They were parked in a handicapped parking spot."

ABC Action News

Security cameras did not show who left the note, and the couple—who asked not to be identified—did not want to call police. A library spokesperson described the incident as a private matter between two people with opposing views.

“We don’t know who wrote this nasty letter to them—but obviously it was coward," said Cohn. “They weren’t just attacking those two elderly women they were attacking all the people who stand shoulder to shoulder with those women."

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