'Liz & Dick' An Awful 'Trainwreck' Claims Critic

It's so awful, it'll be the movie drinking games and late night screenings are made of. We. Can't. Wait.

Here are some of the reviews:

Lohan is woeful as Taylor from start to finish. But, whatever you do, don’t miss Liz & Dick. It’s an instant classic of unintentional hilarity. Drinking games were made for movies like this. And the best part is that it gets worse as it goes on, so in the right company with the right beverages, Liz & Dick could be unbearably hilarious toward the tail end of the 90-minute running time. By the time Lohan is playing mid-’80s Taylor and it looks like a lost Saturday Night Live skit, your body may be cramped by convulsions.

-The Hollywood Reporter (this report goes on to insinuate train wreck, meaning that paragraph was one of the more flattering..)

Elizabeth Taylor loved diamonds. This new movie about her life feels more like rhinestones.

-The Daily News

Lohan, in character as Taylor, is often so believable you might think you’re seeing the real thing, but then every once in a while she’ll backslide and deliver lines that sound DOA.

-NY Post

 Perhaps all the negativity is what changed Lindsay Lohan's face into it's current odd iteration..

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