Lynda Carter Thinks RuPaul Is "Just So Fabulous." Well, Duh!

"Well, I got a call from the people at Skin Wars, and actually, it was from RuPaul, who asked for me, and I had been hearing about the tremendous artistry that was going on in the show," Carter told Nerdist. "And I just adore RuPaul… this guy is a tireless worker, just with everything that he does, and I just think he’s so fabulous. I love being with him."

In the interview, Carter was also asked whether she realized back in the day that she had a huge gay fan base.

No I didn’t know, not at all. You are pretty well cocooned when you’re on a set all the time making a show like that. So I didn’t know, but I was thrilled when I found out!

You know I was a huge fan of Bette Midler, and I started off as a singer way back, and I know she started singing in the bathhouses in New York City, doing her show, mostly entertaining for gay guys.. And I always thought “maybe that’s the key!” [laughs]

Well, duh!

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