Meme: Tommy Joe Ratliff Gets a Raja Makeover, Tom Hardy Up For "Rocketman," Deadpool Meets the Lawyers

Bradley Cooper gets seduced, Cheyenne Jackson's Mutual Friends, and what straight people can learn from gay marriage.

The bill to remove the tax-exempt status of any youth organization that discriminates has passed the California senate by more than the 2/3 margin required. Conservative groups have vowed to sue saying that the law discriminates against them based on their religion. I'm curious if promoting the law around sexual orientation (among other classes) is the right way to sell it to the court now. Since the Boy Scouts allow out youth, but not adults, can't it be framed as discrimination based on age, which is already a nationally protected class?

Just because the Village Voice doesn't want Michael Musto anymore doesn't mean that others don't, Glenn Closewith the party maven inking deals to contribute to Gawker, Out, The Advocate, and the New York Times.

In other casting news I wasn't expecting, Glenn Close is reportedly set to star in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy in the leadership role with Nova Corp, which is some form of an intergalactic S.H.I.E.L.D as far as I can tell.

Puerto Rican Governor Alejandro García Padilla has signed two sweeping bills banning GLBT discrimination. “Today is a great day for Puerto Rico. I feel that I have fulfilled my duty as a Christian to sign these laws.” That line is a great twist.

George Michael has been discharged from the hospital after spending two weeks recovering from injuries when he was thrown from a moving vehicle.George Michael

I've known some men that thought their peens were golden, but evidently the Golden Phallus pendant at Norfolk's Lynn Museum is so popular, replicas are going to be sold of the Roman art at the gift shop.

Ranch Dressing Soda exists. I think we're done here.

Salon has an extraordinarily long article on the premise that straights could learn a lot about marriage from gays. The idea is that "traditional marriage" is largely broken, with people waiting until they're older to wed, divorcing, and generally fighting over the roles the spouses play in the relationship. Since same-sex couples have to negotiate the terms of the relationship without the baggage of traditional gender roles, lessons learned there could be applied to Madonnaopposite marriage.

If you want a list of musicians to support, you can probably start with the ones that the right wing is calling for a ban on. Hey, it's got Madonna, so it can't be all bad.

Despite new rules in the Navy allowing posting of HIV+ sailors and Marines to major overseas bases and large ship groups (where they can get adequate medical care), no such postings have been made, making advocates wonder if the Pentagon intends to follow through.

While fanfiction is going mainstream with things like Amazon's publishing deal, some television shows have shown a lot of contempt for fanfic writers in the past.Glee

If you were going to make a Pakistani version of Glee, how would you handle the gay bits? In all honesty, a lot like Ryan Murphy handles them on the original version.

Guess what? A formal review of the Regenerus study that's been cited in the Prop 8 and DOMA cases has revealed that the entire thing was junk. But is the damage already done?

Harvey FiersteinHarvey Fierstein has a must-read essay covering the Boy Scouts, hate crimes, and the general state of the modern discussion of GLBT rights. It's all worth a read, but his call to action sums it up well. "These continuing acts of violence, physical and rhetorical, terrify me. If we are ever to scrape the black rot of prejudice from the heart of our nation, we must stop excusing those who give it expression and even excuse. The next time someone dares to say, 'Just because I don't approve of homosexuality doesn't make me a bigot,' we must all answer back, 'Yes, it does. Not only does it make you a bigot, it makes you a criminal, a danger to me, my family, my community, my city, and my country."

This week's Ask the Sexpert with Conner Habib is sure to be  controversial, because Conner discusses a long term relationship with the sex drives out of whack. And he asserts that a satisfying sex life is a human right, and honest discussion of the issue is required, with action, be that more sex, opening the relationship, or yes, even terminating the relationship because it's no longer healthy for both parties. A little NSFW

This is the teaser for Cheyenne Jackson's new film Mutual Friends, which has him playing straight, and has a lot of cheating. Who knows, maybe one partner had lost all interest in sex, but the other hadn't watched Conner's video?

Bradley Cooper stars in a new commercial for Häagen-Dazs Greece that has a beautiful woman being drawn to Cooper, but are her motives pure?

The newest trailer for Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters starts out looking remarkably like the first film, but then Nathan Fillion shows up as Hermes, and the action really begins. I was pleasantly surprised at the first movie, and this one may be the same.

Dan Savage is pretty blunt answering a question about how to ask your partner to get tested. But you know what? He should be. This isn't an imposition, it's a necessity, and you should never be afraid to ask.

When was the last time you broke out of your routine and felt Awe?

In Raja's new series Sutan's Everything, she performs a Ghost Dandy makeover on Adam Lambert's guitarist Tommy Joe Ratliff, a man who already knows a thing or two about makeup, but Raja is a master.

Deadpool has a new video game coming out, and in order to promote it, he's meeting with Standards & Practices for Marvel to figure out just what the Merc with the Mouth can get away with. The answer, as expected, is not much. NSFW.

In our second dose of Nathan Fillion (can you ever have too much?) he gets called an ass in Much Ado About Nothing, and seems a bit stunned by the accusation.

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