Meme: Jamie Dornan's Bag of Grapes, Ruby Rose Joins "OITNB," Anne Hathaway Gives Neil Patrick Harris Oscar Hosting Advice

Jurassic Parks and Recreation, Republicans take control of Congress, Miami Archdiocese warns employees not to publicly support marriage equality

Jamie DornanJamie Dornan told British GQ again that you won't be seeing his peen in Fifty Shades of Grey. “Your dignity is intact as much as it’s all tucked away in a little flesh-coloured bag… As a guy you put all your essentials in a little bag and you tie it up like a little bag of grapes and it’s tucked away. Its quite a peculiar thing to do every day.” I'd argue that if you agree to a BDSM sex film and feel that you have to preserve your dignity by wearing a cock sock, your dignity is pretty fragile indeed. Does his female costar show more than her backside without losing her dignity?

The Archdiocese warned its employees that if they posted their support for the new marriage equality in Florida on social media, they would be fired. Because freedom of speech only applies when it conforms to doctrine voted on by men in dresses too unshapely for a decent drag queen.

The Internet Archive has made 2,400 old MS-DOS games available to play in your browser, from major classics like Street Fighter II to old Street Fighter IIschool porn games. If I can get a day off, I want to see if I can play the original Zork.

People are horrible. But at least they packed him a bag.

Atlanta Fire Department Chief Kelvin Cochran returned to work after a 30-day suspension for handing out his anti-gay self-published book to employees on the job, and was promptly fired. Wingnuts are screaming about freedom of speech, but he was clearly in violation of anti-harassment policies by handing out the book and had stated his intention to continue to harass gays and non-Christians at work.

Out MTV Australia VJ and model Ruby Rose is joining Orange Is the New Black for season three, and is said to be a bit of a spoiler for some of the couples on the show.Ruby Rose

Science may have gone too far in accommodating our desire to indulge, inventing a belt that expands automatically when we eat too much or gain weight, and also relaxes when we sit down and tightens when we stand. The belt is said to be able to give feedback on when we might be putting on some extra inches around the waist, but I want to know if it understands how to loosen up when we want to do the Al Bundy and watch TV with our hand down our pants.

The Republicans have officially taken control of Congress, which means we've basically lost all hope of passing any pro-LGBT bills for at least the next two years.

Anne Hathaway was asked what advice she would give Neil Patrick Harris for hosting the Oscars and had the perfect response. "Do the opposite of what I did, and you’ll be fine.James Franco Anne Hathaway" Then she was asked what went wrong the year she hosted. "I think it’s so obvious that it doesn’t even need to be identified. He’ll be great. He’s a natural host."

Vietnam took a small step towards equality this week by repealing the constitutional ban on marriage equality. Same-sex marriages still aren't legal or recognized, but that's now much easier to change.

MediaTakeOut wants you to believe that John Legend is gay based on makeup he wore on Good Morning America. Granted he didn't wear any more makeup than anyone else appearing on the show, but they seem to think he was ready for an episode of RuPaul's Drag Race. Y’all Are NOT Gonna Convince Us That Singer JOHN LEGEND Is STRAIGHT… He Was On TV Yesterday… Wearing MORE MAKEUP THAN A DRAG QUEEN!!!”

The Daily Mail has appointed out journalist Alex Kay-Jelski as the editor of their Sports section, the first out writer to edit the section. And even more, he's saying it's wonderful for gays working at The Daily Mail. “It’s a great place to work, they have always been very supportive of me, especially when I got married in November, and I hope people realise that you can be gay and work in sports journalism without any problems at all.” So The Daily Mail is only bad for gays who are subjects of their articles?Deniz Mehmet

Footballer Deniz Mehmet has had his naked, and quite explicit photos show up online. As a soccer player his body was of course banging, but unlike many celebrity photo leaks, these were pretty well lit, and the fact that he was at full mast was notable as well.

New York's Court of Appeals is hearing the case of Terrence Williams, who infected his partner with HIV after telling him it was safe to have sex with him  and failing to disclose he was HIV+. The state is arguing that “can lead to AIDS and kill victims” which is factually true, while advocacy groups argue that disclosure is not required under state or federal law in NY. As a poz guy, I've got horribly mixed feelings on this. I don't believe that what he did was responsible, but I don't support the criminalization of HIV status. It's terrible for testing and treatment, and it makes all of us potential criminals. And I worry that a partner could claim I didn't disclose after a breakup, even though I always disclose. It's in my Grindr headline. Do I need a notarized affidavit from partners before we bone just to protect myself?

Congratulations to out American Idol season 12 contestant Josh "JDA" Davalia, who has completed transition to Jaidah Christina, and has a new boyfriend and the support of all but one member of her family, ironically her gay uncle. Also, stay out of the comments on Towleroad on this one.

Generally speaking, we frown on "dropped the soap" jokes around here, but this Chinese cookie company may have found a way to make it slightly funny. Or clever enough that I don't feel guilty about it.

So when did "hot" start meaning attractive? And at what point did it start being used for men? Honestly, I thought it would have come into use generally much later, and been applied to men much sooner.

Jurassic Parks and Recreation. Admit it, you'd pony up full price, weekend night, IMAX 3D ticket money to see this. And spring for popcorn, soda and Sour Patch Kids for it, because you know Fat Pratt would want you to.

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// ]]>At 5AM, I thought I was being clever. Sorry.

— Ed (@EdKennedyWV) January 6, 2015

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