Meme: Jim Parsons Now Seriously Rich, Ed Sheeran Sings "Don't" While We Scream "Do," "Dirk Gently" Heads To U.S. Television

Geek & Sundry joins Nerdist at Legendary, Benedict Cumberbatch's perfect Jar Jar Binks impression, no wrongdoing in Benghazi

Jeffery Simon is a former Eagle Scout who was kicked out when he came out as gay at 19. Now he's Kickstarting a web series called Camp Abercorn, which will follow Compass Guides of America, set up to mirror the Boy Scouts, and will address homosexuality and more as it follows a summer at the fictional camp.

How an auto journalist managed to land three days in jail for speeding in Virginia during a test drive.

Fearing that the Arkansas legislature might introduce a bill for judicial recall, plaintiffs in the marriage equality case are asking justices up for reelection to recuse themselves from the case because they may not be able to act independently. A perhaps double edged sword is the anti-gay governor would be able to appoint interim justices to fill the roles of the ones who recuse themselves. Hardly an independent judiciary.

As expected, the petition to hold a recall on the Houston LGBT HERO ordinance has failed due to too many signatures being invalid. Petitioners say they expected the city to cheat and are planning to sue. They expected the city to cheat? They're the ones who didn't follow the existing law on how to gather signatures.

Broward County Circuit Judge Dale Cohen has ruled that Florida must recognize same-sex marriages performed out of state. This is the third ruling against the state's ban on marriage equality in recent weeks, with a federal case ruling expected at any time that would apply statewide.

A Denver gay bar called The Wrangler has been ruled in violation of the Colorado civil rights act for refusing admission to a man in drag. The Wrangler was found to wrongly favor those who present a "masculine" appearance with rules prohibiting high heels, wigs and perfume.

Creationist museum founder Ken Ham is upset that Atheism TV has launched a streaming channel. ""This new TV channel highlights the growing intolerance towards Christianity in particular, and other religions, with the exception of their own. The new channel brags of having 'superstition-free programming,' which implies that religion is just silly superstition but atheism is rational and logical. Where are all their books, websites, and magazines that argue against the mythical Easter Bunny? This is because they do know God exists but they are suppressing the truth in unrighteousness Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency(Romans 1:18). And why do atheists care so much about proclaiming their message?" I stared dumbfounded at this statement for like ten minutes. Does he not realize how many religious shows are on television? When I go to the gym early on a Sunday the free weight TV is on local channels from people watching sports on Saturday, and it's always a Christian preacher. As are the next ten channels as I press the "up" button to get out of local programming and into cable.

I may have squealed out loud when I read that Douglas Adams' Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency has been licensed for development into a U.S. TV show and comics property. Dirk Gently didn't quite rise to the level of genius that Hitchhiker's did, but it was utterly brilliant, and in the hands of the right cable channel could be the most genius thing on television in years.

A federal judge has ruled that parents have no right to reparative therapy for minors, and that banning it doesn't violate the First Amendment for freedom of religion. Judge Wolfson called reparative therapy 'pseudo-science" stating "Surely it is undisputed that a state has the power to regulate not only medical Nate Silverand mental health treatments deemed harmful, but also those that are ineffective or that are based not on medical or scientific principles but, instead, on pseudo-science."

Nate Silver says that Republicans have a 60-40 chance of retaking the Senate this fall, probably with 51 seats. That sounds like a problem, and it's not great, but the rules of the Senate make a 51-49 majority a hollow victory at best. My own state is certain to flip Republican on the retirement of Senator Jay Rockefeller, who has been a part of my political world since before I had awareness of politics. The state just can't see electing anybody who will side with that black guy in the White House that wants to destroy the coal industry with his evil clean air policies at the EPA.Hillary Clinton

If you really want to have your pubes plucked out randomly one by one, you can bid on these jock straps made out of loom bands.

Australia is heading towards a vote for marriage equality that will see the MPs allowed a conscience vote across the parties. Marriage equality is very highly favored in all recent polling, higher than in the UK or New Zealand when it was passed there.

Benghazi? Yeah, no wrongdoing was discovered by a Republican led investigation by Congress that cost $40 million in an attempt to destroy Hillary Clinton. In other news, Fox News was forced to air 13 hours of silence yesterday without Benghazi to talk about.

Ed Sheeran continues to surprise me. His music isn't what I was expected, which was a John Mayer vibe. And the video for "Don't" barely features the singer, who mostly has a cameo as an incredibly talented and sexy male dancer grooves his way into progressively more expensive real estate and wardrobe. I'm trying to recall the last time a solo male pop star gave us a music video of essentially a hot shirtless man, not themselves.

The one show that comes very close to making me subscribe to HBO again is Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. The man is a master of observation, delivering fact with just enough sarcasm to cause people to think. Thankfully HBO is trying to get a piece of the viral pie that the Jimmys dominate and releases the major segment each week on YouTube. This week he takes on Native Advertising, in which companies buy your news without you realizing it. At least back in the days when soap operas were actually sponsored by laundry soap it was obvious, but thanks to outfits like Buzzfeed, we often don't know what's fact and what's an ad. I've marked several posts to include in Meme before only to discover they were paid content and dropping them, and I'm sure I've missed a few that made it as well. And it's spreading to classic hard news organizations as well.

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