Meme: Sherlock Holmes Is Really Not Gay, Jamie Foxx's Transphobic iHeartRadio Jokes

Disney planning live action Mulan, David Beckham and James Corden launch underwear line, Ciara Renée is Hawkgirl

Grammy winners Wilco have canceled their May concert in Indiana in response to the License To Discriminate bill that Governor Mike Pence signed last week and defended so feebily on Sunday morning.

Mortal Instruments may have bombed at the box office, but ABC Family thinks it will make a great television series as Shadowhunters. This interests me for two reasons. One, I remember you folks telling me it had a decent gay/bi character. Two, I hope they show reruns before and after The 700 Club. The whole half-angel/half-human fighting demons thing is a perfect match for Pat Robertson.

As far as Indiana took their License To Discriminate law, North Carolina wants to go even further. Their version would allow hospitals to refuse service to LGBT people. Republican Governor Pat McCrory thinks it's a solution in search of a problem. “What is the problem they’re trying to solve? I haven’t seen it at this point in time.” He's also opposed to a law that would allow public officials to refuse to conduct same-sex marriages, as they took an oath of service. He's not perfect, because he thinks a law to allow transgender people to access the bathroom of their choice is also a solution in search of a problem.

TMZ managed to find a closeted bisexual NFL player to talk to who isn't happy with Michael Sam saying he's the only player with the courage to come out. “As a bisexual man, I just feel like Michael Sam does not speak for all gay men. He has his own opinion … but DON’T say that we don’t have the courage to come out. It’s totally wrong. Just speak Michael Samfor yourself. No one else.” I can see your point, but at this point he does speak for all openly gay NFL players, literally.

If you're in Austin, you can check out Jacob's Ladder, a new play by my friend David Mixner and Dennis Bailey. "The story is set in 1944 at the height of World War II. Jacob (Zach Kleinsmith) is a young Jewish staffer to FDR when he discovers a Top Secret proposal to bomb the Concentration Camps of Hitler in Eastern Europe. What ensues is a controversial debate over the perception of morality, accountability and assimilation and how this proposal will profoundly alter his family and the world around him. Jacob must choose between standing up for himself, his people, and his principles or allow politics to make him an accessory to a potentially horrific plan."

Steven Moffat would like to remind you again, Sherlock Holmes is not gay! “We walk into that one all the time. It’s a funny thing when a character for over 100 years has been saying, ‘I don’t do that at all.’ He’s been saying it over 100 years! He’s not interested in [sex]. He’s willfully staying away from that to keep his brain pure—a Victorian belief, that. But everyone wants to believe he’s gay. He’s not gay. He’s not straight. And Doctor Watson is very clear that he prefers women. People Ciara Renéewant to fantasize about it. It’s fine. But it’s not in the show.”

Ciara Renée has been cast as Hawkgirl in the CW superhero spinoff show. "In the new series, Saunders is a young woman who is just beginning to learn that she has been repeatedly reincarnated over the centuries. When provoked, her ancient warrior persona manifests itself, along with wings that grow out of her back, earning her the moniker Hawkgirl."

Andrew Sullivan says that he did quit blogging for his health and to get back into the real world, but mostly he just can't stand the thought of covering the 2016 presidential election. “I couldn’t imagine blogging the next election. I will not spend another minute of my time writing about the Clintons. Period. Or the Bushes.”

I really thought the Church of Satan would be the first to take advantage of this.Mulan

Disney is planning a live action movie of Mulan. It's kind of a no brainer if you consider how important the Chinese box office has become to making movies.

Apple's Tim Cook is really stepping forward in the fight for LGBT rights. He's gone from someone in the glass closet to a man on a mission to use his pulpit as the head of the most valuable company in the world to speak out. "America’s business community recognized a long time ago that discrimination, in all its forms, is bad for business. At Apple, we are in business to empower and enrich our customers’ lives. We strive to do business in a way that is just and fair. That’s why, on behalf of Apple, I’m standing up to oppose this new wave of legislation — wherever it emerges. I’m writing in the hopes that many more will join this movement. From North Carolina to Nevada, these bills under consideration truly will hurt jobs, growth and the economic vibrancy of parts of the country where a 21st-century economy was once welcomed with open arms." States should remember that Apple is everywhere, not just devices. Datacenters, manufacturing. They even buy up whole outputs of renewable energy plants to power it. And if states want them to build there, they should remember Apple's stance.

A week later, Deadline is issuing an apology of sorts for that awful article complaining that white actors couldn't get jobs this pilot season. Mostly they're blaming a bad headline for setting Jamie Foxxthe tone wrong, and overuse of the word "ethnic." OK, let's be honest, this isn't an apology because they're not actually backing away from the content, just the presentation. Evidently the Republican Party wrote this.

For reasons that only he knows, Jamie Foxx decided to go for transphobic jokes while hosting the iHeartRadio Music Awards Sunday night. “We have some groundbreaking performances here too tonight. Bruce Jenner will be here doing some musical performances. He’s doing a his and her duet all by himself. Look, I’m just busting your balls while I still can.” The line you crossed, Jamie, is three miles behind you. Start walking now so you can take a long hard look at it.

The biggest defense the right has mounted for the License To Discriminate bill in Indiana is that it's just like the one Clinton signed (Clinton also signed DOMA, remember, bad yardstick), or like the ones in 19 other states. Except it's not. And even Fox News talking head Bret Baier will admit that it needs to be fixed, and just what's wrong with it. When you've lost Fox News, you've lost the argument.

James Corden really wants to make an impact on The Late Late Show, so he does the smart thing and gets David Beckham into his underwear. Literally, his underwear, a joint line between him and Becks. And the joke,  which veers terribly close to mocking overweight people, is that anyone can wear it.

Randy Rainbow is back with A Song For Indiana in honor of Governor Mike Pence. It's a little on the nose, but I've been talking about this damn law so much lately I was singing along with the chorus before I'd ever heard the song.

Well, he should have Bruno's vote with that

— Michael Sam (@MichaelSamNFL) March 30, 2015

The clothes are really setting the tone for Scream Queens

A Scream Queen And Her Two Guys — Ryan Murphy (@MrRPMurphy) March 30, 2015

I mean sure, he's hot. But I just want his shoulder workout

— Ryan Reynolds (@VancityReynolds) March 30, 2015

One of them seems to be taking this much more seriously

.@mishacollins the battle ain't over, pal! #Zap2Showdown — Jensen Ackles (@JensenAckles) March 30, 2015

The End

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