Meme: Stephen Amell Considers "Fifty Shades of Grey," Dave Franco and Zac Efron Are Frat Brothers, and Jesse Tyler Ferguson Is "Hot In Cleveland"

While we keep hearing that no one has been cast in Fifty Shades of Grey, Arrow's Stephen AmellStephen Amell says that he's actually taken a meeting about playing Christian Grey, which makes sense, as he's shown over and over and over again, he has no problem with a little nudity.

Zach Wahl's Scouts for Equality released details of the Boy Scouts of America's 2012 Fall Voice of the Scouts Survey, and of respondents that expressed an opinion of declining loyalty to Scouting, 90% said the reaffirmation of their discriminatory policy was the reason.

In the UK, 20 year-old Jordan Sheard was sentenced to 3.5 years for crashing an 18-year-old autistic gay man's birthday party, writing homophobic slurs on his body, dousing him in tanning oil and setting him on fire, which led to his death. Seriously?

Please take time to meet Jack Andraka, who is 16, out, and a cancer researcher at John's Hopkins when he's not going to high school or dating boys. And that's really just the half of it.

The CroodsThe Croods is expected to win the box office this weekend with $42 million, followed by Olympus Has Fallen with $26 million.

In West Virginia, the Lincoln Journal is under fire after publishing an anonymous voicemail left to the paper about a lesbian teacher allegedly fired for being gay. "We were really glad to hear that School Board is getting rid of them queers. The next thing is we need to get rid of all the n****rs, the spics, the kikes and the wops. You know even them Catholics, they are wrong as baby eaters. We need to clear them people out and have good, white, God fearing Christians and everybody else needs to be put to death for their abominations. We'll keep Lincoln County white and right. Thank you." A couple things: This is a really rural county, and I'm not surprised, these people exist, I hear them every day. But they are a tiny, shrinking minority. And Fairness WV thinks it can get HB 2856 passed this year, which would have prevented workers from being fired or evicted on the basis of their sexual orientation. Finally, my local paper, The Register-Herald, only slightly less rural, ran a half page, above the fold in Section C today about American Academy of Pediatrics endorsing marriage equality.

Jesse Tyler Ferguson is set to guest star in the Mary Tyler Moore Jesse Tyler Fergusonreunion show of Hot In Cleveland. He'll play a "eccentric, esoteric character — who speaks in intellectual terms about obscure movies."

As the arguments for Prop 8 and DOMA approach, we're going to see a lot of news outlets trying to present "both sides" of civil rights, and failing miserably. NPR committed journalistic malpractice with their profiles of my old friend Maggie Gallagher, saying “It’s easier to feel empathetic, Rauch says, knowing that Gallagher is not motivated by animus.” They followed that up with NOM Chairman John Eastman, who says of marriage equality "It would forever sever the connection of marriage to procreation — forever sever love from diapers.” Love and diapers? Isn't that Senator David Vitter's thing?

USA Today joined in the "fair and balanced" thing with an article on the greatest opponents of civil rights, like drunk driving Cardinal Salvatore Cordileone, who says he has gay friends, and his position doesn't bother them. "It's a lot harder to be hateful or prejudiced against a person, or group of people, that one knows personally. When there is personal knowledge and human interaction, the barriers of prejudice and preconceived ideas come down." Do they? Do they really, Cardinal?

But in an expected piece of good news, Democratic Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear has vetoed the bill that would have allowed anyone to discriminate against, well, just about anybody, as long as they claimed it was because of a sincerely held religious belief. In a brilliant bit of political cover, he says he only did it because the law would have led to a fortune in lawsuits.

Dave FrancoDo conservatives or liberals have better gaydar?

After outrage with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie saying he was skeptical of a bill to ban reparative therapy, his office clarified his remarks. "Gov. Christie does not believe in conversion therapy. There is no mistaking his point of view on this when you look at his own prior statements where he makes clear that people’s sexual orientation is determined at birth.”

Dave Franco and Christopher Mintz-Plasse have joined Townies, with Seth Rogen and Zac Efron, with Efron starring as a fraternity president and Franco as his best friend. I'm hoping for toga parties. With very short togas.

While much has been made of the new suit for The Amazing Spider-Man 2, the old suit is set to make at least a brief appearance based on this tweet from William Spencer, who is the stuntman for Andrew Garfield.

Study it carefully so you can tell Spencer's bulges from Garfield's

More of this, and maybe Partners would still be on the air

This picture of Lily Tomlin, Kathy Griffin, Darren Criss and Jesse Tyler Ferguson will get more gay eyes than go-go boys at The Abbey

Dan Feurriegel was wondering how everyone felt the morning after

While Cameron Monoghan was enjoying his night shoots

Matt Damon may not be promising to abstain from the bathroom any more to advocate for clean water around the world, but he's not above making some serious potty humor jokes to draw attention to this global problem.

On Friday, I had directed you to American Eagle Outfitters, who had a very convincing page up for Skinny Skinny, a spray on jean for those who didn't think skinny jeans were skinny enough. Well, it turns out to be a viral marketing ploy (which is a good thing, because I see people in skinny jeans every day that should not be wearing them) meant to capture your email address and send you an offer. They brought models on The Today Show painted up like they had used the spray on product though, which took two hours to apply. Thankfully, the male model (who was of course wearing underwear) had thights like a rugby player and a butt that was lifted and separated to perfection.

If you thought I was obsessed with the delightful little Minions of Despicable Me, you have no idea how thrilled I am about the Despicablimp, which scales the Minion up to monster size, which wouldn't make a bad plot for their spinoff movie.

With arguments coming up this week on Prop 8 and DOMA, there's going to be a ton of analysis of what happened, but SCOTUSBlog clues us into what they'll be listening to during the hearings, and who says what could matter a lot.

Strange Oaks provides everything a modern, busy witch could need.

Matthew Lannon is only in sixth grade, but he wanted to testify in the hearings Rhode Island is holding on marriage equality, and he's wise and composed beyond his years, at least when he's advocating for his moms and dads.

It's the weekend, so why not hear what a model has to say, especially when it's multi-Briefs Guy Philip Fusco talking in his underwear.

Sergey Brin got up at a TED Conference to give a talk about Google Glass, which I remain fascinated with. But at one point he talked about hating our smooth smartphones, that he found the act of using them "emasculating." Before the blogs get out the pitchforks, TED says that this was an impromptu talk Brin gave, not prepared remarks, and I don't really think the co-founder of Google is homophobic in the slightest.

I know that we've discovered that knowing an out person dramatically increases the support for marriage equality. But I'm not sure that the latest Respect for Marriage ad doesn't go a little heavy-handed with the delivery in this piece that begins airing in D.C. before going national this week.

Sure, Jason works hard on Friday the 13th, but what happens when work is done and he heads home for Saturday the 14th? There's a lot of detail in this short, so pay attention to the background.

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