Milo Yiannopoulos Was Banned From Patreon in Less Than 24 Hours

Not today, Satan!

Everyone's least favorite alt-right political commentator Milo Yiannopoulos is at it again: This time, he's made headlines for his unsuccessful attempts to fund his work through Patreon.

According to The Hill, Yiannopoulos set up his Patreon account on December 4, hoping to make a "magnificent 2019 comeback" following his rapid decline into infamy. (The former Breitbart writer and editor also reportedly owes more than $2 million to a variety of people and companies. Oof.)

"I am one of the most censored and most lied-about people in the world," Yiannopoulos wrote on his page, hoping to entice financial supporters, or patrons, to back his work. "Even my fans sometimes believe things about me that aren't true, because journalists lie more about me than perhaps anyone else in America. They can't stand the idea of gay man who thinks for himself and says what he thinks."

Some of the perks Yiannopoulos promised to big patrons were truly outrageous: For a mere $750 or more per month, fans would get a personalized thank-you message, 20% off all Milo merch for life; a private video message from Milo for you ("or someone you love...or someone you hate!"); AND exclusive invites to drinks whenever Milo is in your city. (Don't get too hype, though—those appetizers and vodka sodas are on your tab.)

Patreon moderators were alerted to Yiannopoulos' new account via Twitter, and less than a day later, reps confirmed that he was booted off the platform.

"Milo Yiannopoulos was removed from Patreon as we don't allow association with or supporting hate groups on Patreon," the company wrote on Twitter, citing its Community Guidelines, which prohibit "serious attacks, or even negative generalizations, of people based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or serious medical conditions."

The fundraising platform isn't the first website to ban Yiannopoulos; he's famously been kicked off of Twitter, though neither Instagram nor Facebook have taken a stand against the alt-right provocateur.

Sorry, Milo—what was that about a magnificent comeback?

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