Romney Unaware Gay People Have Families, Feelings

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Ugh. There go those pesky gays again, trying to pretend like they're just like everyone else and confusing people by asking to be thought of as human beings.

Mitt Romney knows better. When Romney looks at an LGBT person he knows the right questions to ask: "Can you breathe like a human? What is your planet like? Did you know if you just jump over to heterosexual world, you could have your very own family?"

Oh wait. You people have families too?

Think Progress reports that back when Romney was governor, he was just as empathetic and sweet to LGBT people as he is now. Back then, he spoke to David Wilson and Julie Goodridge, plaintiffs whose case led to the legalization of marriage equality in Massachusetts. Romney apparently told the people, "I didn't know you had families."

We'd like to give Romney the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was just referring to David's family or Julie's family. But then, he reportedly did this:

"GOODRIDGE: Governor Romney, tell me — what would you suggest I say to my 8 year-old daughter about why her mommy and her ma can’t get married because you, the governor of her state, are going to block our marriage?

ROMNEY: I don’t really care what you tell your adopted daughter. Why don’t you just tell her the same thing you’ve been telling her the last eight years.

Romney described the meeting to the press as “pleasant,” as Goodridge cried."

Oh Mitt. Brad Pitt isn't the only guy missing a sensitivity chip, as it seems.

Who’s Gay Tuesday: Paul Ryan Urged To Not Be Homophobic

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