Watch Ian Somerhalder, Tyson Beckford, Scott Foley, Say "Moist"

Are you cringing yet?

It's a well-known fact that the word "moist" is one of the most hated in the English language. Something about it just seems to get under people's skin. But would your feelings change if the maligned word was coming out of the mouths of hot celebrities?

Refinery29 was willing to find out by enlisting celebs like Matt LeBlanc and Tyson Beckford to say "moist" right into camera. But the power of the word was too strong for Ed Sheeran, who couldn't get through it without bursting into laughter.

The video then reveals that researchers conducted a study that found 20% of participants had an aversion to the word "moist." It added that their similar distaste for words like "phlegm" and "vomit" indicated that it's less about how the word sounds and more about the association it has with "gross bodily functions."

While scientists continue to study the hatred for the word, we're going to just go back and watch Ian Somerhalder say it on repeat.

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