Mormon Parents Fear Bouncy Hot Dog Inflatable Will "Turn Son Gay"

Prepare to see this toy on a "Things That Made Me Gay" listicle in 20 years.

The innocent and hilarious children's bouncy toy above has the power to turn children gay, according to two Mormon parents who forbade one cool uncle from buying it for their son over fear he may develop gayness after bouncing on it.

A self-described ex-Mormon uncle shared the story on Reddit, saying his sister and brother-in-law accused him of "pushing a gay agenda" by purchasing their 7-year-old (the man's nephew) the inflatable hot dog bouncy toy above.

"It's a hot dog that kids bounce on and it looks nothing like a penis. That is how riled up Mormons are about homosexuality," he wrote. "It never crossed my mind that it looked like a penis because I'm no longer a sexually suppressed Mormon cult member."

The man claims he bought the toy because it somehow helps "kids having social issues," one of which is his nephew.

Fortunately for the nephew, it sounds like mom may have had the last word, and he was able to keep his cool, non-phallic inflatable hot dog bouncer that actually looks like it could be a ton of fun. Go mom!

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