Nate Silver: Being Gay Is My Secret Weapon

[caption id="attachment_78612" align="aligncenter" width="607"] Count it.[/caption]

Nate Silver won our hearts this past election and we can't get enough of him. Apparently, we aren't the only ones.

The Guardian did a profile on our favorite genius and he called people out on their bullshit while also explaining that being gay may have helped him with his success.

Here are some highlights:

  • On FiveThirtyEight correctly predicting the election: "Numbers aren't perfect, but for me, it's numbers with all their imperfections versus bullshit. You had people saying, 'You can't quantify people's feelings through numbers!' But what's the alternative? Me sitting at my Georgetown cocktail party saying that I know how people in Toledo, Ohio, are going to vote better than the actual people of Toledo, Ohio, who answered a survey? It's incredibly presumptuous."
  • On how being gay and an outsider helped him look at things differently: "I've always felt like something of an outsider. I've always had friends, but I've always come from an outside point of view. I think that's important. If you grow up gay, or in a household that's agnostic, when most people are religious, then from the get-go, you are saying that there are things that the majority of society believes that I don't believe."
  • On his concern that his popularity will affect his outsiderness: "You get these different opportunities, but I don't want to be corrupted and drawn into these scenes."
  • Corrupted Nate Silver? Sounds ... naughty.

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